Monday, July 18, 2005

Can We Start Killing PETA Members PLEASE?

The idiots at PETA have done it again, they decided a town in the northeast named FISHKILL had a cruel sounding name and they are lobbying to get it changed to, get this, Yes it's true, they want to name the town after a website they run dedicated to eradicating fishing and eating fish et al. These people are fucking nuts. There should be state run hunting tournements for these whackjobs. Who the fuck do they think they are anyway? I guess the world doesn't have enough problems, let's worry about how the poor fish feel about a town named Fishkill. Morons. I read that article and got so angry I nearly bit through my cheek and lower lip. I would like to see what these fucks are gonna do to stop all the other animals on the planet from eating other animals. Maybe they can demonstrate to the other predators on the planet how eating other critters is bad. Maybe then they can explain to the world why everything is dying from overpopulation and starvation and disease. Fuckheads. I hate them. When they get the animal kingdom to go vegan, then I will stop eating animals. It is the benefit of having opposable thumbs that makes it possible to be at the top of the food chain. Fuck the rest of the animals because they are here to make my belly full and keep me warm with their hides. All you PETA people can sucks my ass with a twisty straw.


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