Sunday, July 10, 2005

OK, Seriously now, Stop It.

So the lovable chuckleheads at the ACLU won a lawsuit barring the pentagon/dept. of defense from funding boy scout jamborees in the future. The arguement was that the boy scouts were an organization that requires its members to swear an oath to god, and since we all know that christianity is evil and should not be funded by the government, they shouldn't receive funds from the government because of the religious affiliation. Since when does the ACLU give a flying fuck about who gives money to the boy scouts? It is this type of thing that should make people foam at the mouth. The ACLU is eroding any kind of support the government can give to organizations by boggling the judicial system down with these asinine lawsuits. The ACLU should not exist. It is an organization that was created by subversives, and is still run and funded by subversives. These people do not care about freedom, nor do they care about democratic government. These people believe the rights of the few are worth more than the rights of the majority. This has been demonstrated time and time again by the lawsuits against majority rights of everyone in the country, specifically anything that has to do with christianity. While I am not religious, I do believe that if a majority of people have a similar interest in a belief system, and they aren't forcing it down everyone's throats, then who cares? No one in the government has ever mandated anyone follow christianity,and even though the ten commandments is all over the capitol buildings, the supreme court, and congress opens session with a tax payer paid for prayer by a christian priest. The solution to all of this isn't lawsuits, it is the removal of the ACLU. I know for a fact that there is a special place in hell for the ACLU's members and employees. They can continue their work wearing gasoline suits for eternity. Fuck them.


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