Saturday, July 16, 2005

Unfuck Yourselves Before You Get Hurt.

Been a while since I posted, being stuck in an environment that frowns upon certain internet activities can do that, but now I have a chance to vomit out some anger for your amusement. Well, maybe not amusement, but it amuses me! Anyway, ever wonder how stupid people survive into adulthood? I'm not talking about people who sometimes forget their brain, but genuinely stupid people. I know I rant about them all the time, but they make me so fucking angry I feel like murdering large masses of people to purge society of these ass-clowns. I give you example one-but with some build up. "ONE" by definition means singular, only, lone, individual, and does not mean in any way plural or multiple. Everyone clear on that? Good. On the the example: Weight Watchers makes candy sold in bags for people following their plan and trying to lose weight. They have a "points" system where the food is broken down and rationed into a point allotment for the day. Basically, eat no more points than you are supposed to, and you lose weight. Makes sense. What doesn't make sense is the fact that on the candy bag where they put the point value of the product, they have a nice friendly little sign that says "1 points". Yes, you read that right. "1 points". Now I saw it, and granted, I am not on weight watchers nor do I count calories or whatever, but "1 points"?!?!?! What the fuck? The person who put that on, and all the people the design was put through should be dipped in tar and set on fire. Morons. Moving on, I decided that this whole 'war on terror' needs to be revamped, rethought, and redone. We need to take every single journalist and media mogul out to the middle east and leave them there with the fucking haji's so they can get an up close and personal look at how these fucks really feel about outsiders. Not just Americans, but any non-muslim that isn't from their back yard. When they start getting their hands and heads lopped off, maybe the people around the globe will realize that we aren't dealing with the run of the mill piece of shit extremist. Anyone who doesn't think these people are vicious murdering fucks needs to read up on them. The website lists all of zarqawi's communique's and all you need to do is read them to realise he and every filthy ragheaded dirt farmer in the middle east needs to be killed and quickly. They will not stop in Iraq, they will not stop if we leave, they will not stop until we are dead or we have killed them. PERIOD. Read the letters. Go on. Watch the videos on that site too if you feel like watching how these people do business. It will change your outlook on what these so-called muslim religion of peace fucks really want. You do not have to like Bush or war. You don't even have to like politics or anything else. However, if you like the ability to make your own decisions, you need to shut your fucking mouth when it comes to complaining about how the war is going. Stop complaining, and petitioning, and whining, and bitching because all you are doing is encouraging these animals over in the middle east. Also, all of you greenpeace hippie treehugging militant vegetarian fur is murder hempwearing granola fucks need to grow up and get a fucking life. For one, i like to eat veal. It is yummy. I want more. If you want to eat carrot sticks, fine, stop fucking up my dinner. And, I like driving my SUV. I don't care if it doesn't get good gas mileage. I could care even less if they needed to drill a oil well in my yard to get more. If an animal is dumb enough to nest on an oil rig, fuck it. It doesn't have the genetic disposition to survive and should be allowed to go peacefully into the night. No need to shut down a perfectly good oil well for some stupid endangered bird. I like cheap gas. I realise the market is affected by different things. One thing we can control is the dumbass greenies fucking with it too. Kill them. They perpetrate fraud all the time. To prove the point, here is ANOTHER EXAMPLE!!! I saw a lady driving her FORD EXCURSION while talking on the cellphone, and guess what was on her bumper? Bumper stickers for greenpeace,Peta,stop ANWR drilling, and a "think globally, act locally" sticker. I wanted to strangle her. I would have if the fucking haji cab driver spoke english and understood what the hell I was telling him. No doubt this lady thinks she is doing her part, probably donates or even works at the national headquarters for one of these organizations. If the cattle these companies employ knew she was one of the leadership they may begin to think differently about what they are doing. Apparently as long as she can drive her shitbox around town with a bumpersticker on it everything is fine. I hope she gets carjacked by a crackhead with hepatitis C and herpes, kidnapped and force fed nothing but milk fed box raised veal and foie gras, while getting gerbils jammed into her ass by a large toothless retard with festering boils on his hands. Foie gras by the way, is where you force feed a goose until its liver explodes and you pan sear the blown out liver. Yummy. Folks at PETA LOVE foie gras. Until next time, go run in traffic with scissors.


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