Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I Am Glad I'm Not A Muslim

I read an article forwarded to me by a friend,(click title) and honestly, it not only demonstrates why muslims in the third world are fucking nuts, but also why we need to ensure this viral religion doesn't overtake our country. Now I can already hear all you pinko ACLU types crying racism and persecution etc. Fuck you. Read the article and tell me this is a religion you want running rampant here. The low down is as follows. Some dirty haji raped his daughter in law, she reported it to the authorities and the ruling village religious council like any good(used loosely) muslim would. The religious coucil ruled that since she had sex with her father in law she was now his wife and her husband was now her son. (start singing "I'm my own grampa") She disputed it,but the countries overall council upheld the ruling and said 'yup, it's official and binding' so she is expected to marry her dad. Of course there are protests by "moderate" muslims in the country and female muslims there, but get this, they don't matter because to muslims in that country(and others) women are commodities and have no rights. Kinda like cattle but worth less. This is yet another reason we should bomb these fucks into oblivion, because the stone age is where they still are and they like it like that. I stick to my assertion that islam is like a virus because it mutates according to the individuals interpretation, and spreads like a bad strain of bloody diarrhea-inducing cholera. I know christianity has had it's moments but these fucks are really disturbing. Kill them all and we can erect a monument in their memory so the future generations know what to watch out for.


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