Monday, July 25, 2005

Kennedy Eats A Smashed Asshole

Apparently Ted "the distillery king" Kennedy thinks his going to Guantanamo will end any speculation on how things run there and will prove him and the other bitch-ass whiny liberal crybaby fuckwits as being right about everything and not just a bunch of oozing pussies. Well apparently the troops at the camp from Massachusettes don't like Kennedy or how he portrays the troops and told him so when he arrived. It has got to be the equivalent of a 2x4 to the face to hear from troops, much less troops from your own state, tell you to pack sand up your ass and stop talking shit about stuff you don't know anything about. I wish I were a fly on the wall there so I could have landed on his head and shit on him. This has got to be a sign that Kennedy needs to retire into distant memory and stop fucking with the country. Fuck him, Oswald shot the wrong guy.


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