Thursday, July 28, 2005

The Latest, Greatest, Crap Around!

Apparently we are drifting through a solar flare or some weird radioactive cosmic cloud because the world just went into the sewer. It has to be the seventh sign of the apocalypse because congress, on both sides of the aisle including Teddy Kennedy, denounced the ACLU in session. (means not only publicly, but it's now on record) Weird. Then the brits announced the suspected mastermind behind the london bombings was in custody and showed a picture of the guy, his name is aswad (pronounced: ASS-WAD) and looks like he likes to get punched in the mouth when he is sucking cock. Definitely looks like his family tree doesn't branch. Anyhoo, they catch this guy, and now muslims everywhere are denouncing terrorism, I guess they figured out that it is the MUSLIMS that are fucking up and not some cult of angry micronesians with extensive funding and explosives training. GEE WHIZ! Also, apparently the troops are going to downsize dramatically in IRAQ because americans typically are spineless, mindless cattle who follow the sound of the loudest and most popular moron. (HOLLYWOOD ACTORS) Great. I go to Iraq, do my job, come home, and now in a couple years I get to fight all these fucking hajis here? What the fuck man? All you anti-war liberal hippie treehugging, kumbayah singing activist fucks are going to be begging troops to protect you the first time something goes boom on the highway or flies into another building or poisons a mass of people. You people suck and I will not lift finger one to save your worthless, spineless, sorry ass. I did that for you ungrateful fucks long enough and all I saw in return was people enjoying the irresponsible life. Well this time, YOU can fight haji in your back yard with your pampered chef potholders and salad tongs. I will be fending for myself. What is going on with the scientology? All of the sudden, katie holmes herpes outbreak turned into some ritual where they give you a glass of french spring water from the alps, and a shitload of niacin (vitamin B3) and you become de-toxified? Well kiss my grits. I guess they had it right all along! All you need to do is pay 50,000$ and drink some french water and overdose on a vitamin to be purified. Sounds like a ball. Here, try the KOOL-AID. I don't see how anyone can NOT have a problem with this group. Remember JONESTOWN? Unbelievable. I can't take it anymore, I just can't believe all the bullshit the average american accepts. If more people knew more about the government, and about what journalism is supposed to do, we wouldn't have so many problems. Unfortunately, our voting process has turned into a popularity contest,and the losers (democrats) keep bitching how it isn't fair and throw tantrums. Howard Dean is blaming BUSH for the suprem court decision on eminent domain when he didn't nominate or post ANY OF THE JUSTICES. Howard Dean is a fucking moron. I hope he dies of gonorrhea and rots in hell. Fuck the liberals,the ACLU, scientologists, and especially all of you anti-war pieces of shit. If I run into you pray you can outrun bullets because I am an excellent shot and I will shoot you in whatever reproductive organ you have so you can't continue to pollute the gen pool.


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