Friday, July 29, 2005

The Lunatics Abound

This is Helen Thomas. Helen doesn't like Dick Cheney. I am sure Cheney does not like her. Helen is a columnist/liberal fuckwit whostated she would kill herself if Cheney runs for president in 2008. It hurts to look at Helen. Helen looks like someone hit her repeatedly with a hot bag of nickels and set her on fire only to put her out with a wet chain and a fork. I hope cheney runs. He should announce his intention to do just that, even if he isn't serious, because hopefully she will follow through with her statement and then there will be one less whiny, mealy-mouthed, bleeding-heart, hand-holding, liberal fuckwit ruining the country. I don't think she'll do it. I would be willing to bet on it. She is just like all those dumbass liberal whiners that threatened to leave the country if Bush got re-elected,and then failed to follow through on their promise. Just like their political party. Big promises, bigger let downs. My offer still stands for all you lazy, worthless, bleeding-heart, tree-hugging, liberal bastards-I WILL HELP YOU MOVE. That's right, I will come to your door, in uniform, pack your shit, and take you to the border and kick you out myself. I will do it for free. Just contact me. I also would like to offer the use of one of my handguns to Helen when she decides to make good on her promise to kill herself when Cheney runs. They are all large calibre and will definitely do the job. This offer goes out to all you liberal shitbags who feel like Helen does. I will ensure your confetti filled head is blown apart like a pinata so don't hesitate to email me when you decide conservativism is too much to bear anymore. I hate you fucks, but I would love to see all of you committing mass suicide in political protest. I BET YOU WON'T DO IT!


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