Thursday, October 20, 2005

Because We Can

Couple of things, I recently heard that Louis 'whackjob american hater haji' Farrakhan has been pummeling the government and white people about New Orleans. Basically, his theory is that the government blew up the levee in New Orleans to flood the poor black community so they could repopulate it with rich white people. Huh. Makes sense to me. Let's take this one step further and look at the BIG picture. The government passed the eminent domain ruling via the dominant white supreme court making it easy to snatch private citizens land for private use as long as it benefits the community. Then they use the weather machine to steer a hurrican into Louisiana, blow up the levee and flood the area so that the government can claim eminent domain, snatch the land and give it to whitey who will make a ton of cash on it once the new upscale houses and stores are built and the poor black people are left without homes. I say bullshit. For one, if these so-called poor black people are in such a bad way, why are they not a) working and b) collecting welfare and living in section 8 housing? These are the same fucks that have been collecting welfare for generations. Also, these fucks are living tax free, rent free in other states and getting two grand apiece to provide necessities, but they are using it to buy booze and lapdances from strippers instead. I say fuck them, they don't deserve anymore help. These people should be back in New Orleans, helping to rebuild their community. Instead they are sitting on their asses and waiting for a handout.
In a similar story, some jackass mayor in Ohio let a bunch of inbred white supremacists do a rally in a neighborhood on a weekend, and the community which was mostly black, rioted. So instead of attacking the skinheads, these black people attacked rescue workers, and looted stores and burned down some buildings. What the fuck does stealing from a store have to do with being pissed off about some idiot skinhead? The looters/rioters are just as fucked up as the skinhead protesters. I saw how a crowd of these rioters, all blacks, charged an ambulance, throwing rocks and bottles at the windshield and driver/crew. I would have started shooting rioters with a shotgun had I been there. I would have done it and then driven over their bodies with the ambulance and left them there to fucking rot. These fucks don't deserve to share the same species name as most people. I hope they all get neutered.


Time for another rage dump! Apparently the talk of the town here is that VP Cheney is going to resign/step down because of this whole Valerie Plame thing and Bush is going to make Condoleeza Rice the new VP so she can run in 2008 for president!!!! Of course that was met with uproarious laughter from the white house, and myself. Stupid Liberals. It is no surprise though that Hillary 'raving bitch' Clinton is going to go for it in 08', I mean, she has pretty much sucked enough congressional cock and given some strategic handjobs to get herself positioned to take the nomination. I will be very surprised if she actually wins though, and I will most likely remove myself from society for the next 4-8 years should that occur as the haji's will be marching down the streets of DC since she is a total whackjob who wouldn't be able to lead our defense.
On a lighter note, more aftershocks and bad winter weather are still hampering efforts in Pakistan, making the glorious death toll upwards of 80,000 people. Still no word from the haji's saying anything about the will of allah or allahs punishment........

Also, some leftist rag of a newspaper gave Teddy Kennedy credit for assisting a rescue of stranded fisherman in Massachussets but get this, HE NEVER MADE IT TO THEM!!! He saw they were stranded, got a boat and rowed out a little bit, then turned around and called the local rescue guys who got them off the jetty. He probably rowed a little bit, realized he was not as drunk as he was used to and turned around to get another scotch before calling the cops. "Officer I need another drink and by the way, there are some guys stranded on a jetty."

Switching gears again, in the socialist republic of California, a veterans day parade was cancelled in Berkeley because they were going to have anti-war activists from cindy shitheads group there as keynote speakers. I think I would rather have Hitler speak at the holocaust museum than have one of these shitty, traitorous, cowardly, stinky, liberal hippie fucks at a veterans day parade. I think Hitler would be less offensive.

For those who haven't had the 'experience' that is me, feel free to read my archives which are full of venomous spewings from my rage-filled mind. Everything from "Fuck the ACLU" to "Nuke the middle east". It is all in there. Enjoy and keep the light on-scary stuff.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

God Hates Dirty Haji's

As we all know, those loveable little suicide bombers-in-the-making over in the middle east made it clear that Allah had sent Hurricane Katrina to the U.S. as a soldier of sorts to punish us for what we are doing to muslims. Apparently, our blue-eyed whitey God took offense to that and opened a can of whoop-ass on those dirty hajis by levelling Pakistan with a 7.6 magnitude earthquake killing at least 40,ooo people. Then as if that weren't payment enough, sent heavy rain, hailstorms, a big aftershock, and then a snowstorm to the same place. ENJOY IT HAJI!!!! I have yet to see one scumbag haji website declare this as Allah's will or punishment, and I have only seen that the dirty haji's from around the globe are only bitching that we haven't sent enough aid and what we did send wasn't fast enough. Let me see, we get hit by a couple of hurricanes and maybe 1200 people died, and we didn't complain about other people sending aid or whatever and all the stupid fucking hajis threw a party saying it was so great how we got hammered by these hurricanes and they were so happy our people were suffering. A bunch of stinky goat herding haji jihadists get flattened in an earthquake, killing at least 40000 of the bastards, and not a single fucking peep. I say good for them,and I hope the ensuing epidemic of rampant disease kills 400,000 more of you inbred jackasses. I guess we know the difference between eastern and western construction and architectural standards. Here it can get bad, but at least our shit still stands after an earthquake and doesn't look like a stack of pancakes with human jelly oozing out the sides. That's right haji's, Allah sent a hurricane to us, but the white devil sent hell to you. Suck the dust of defeat haji!!!!! Hope you get ptomaine poisoning from eating dirty goat shit contaminated aid food.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Bend Over, Here It Comes AGAIN!

BOHICA! I love that acronym. It says it all really, and I'll tell you why. The ACLU is/has ruined our wonderful country, and here is proof-(excerpt taken from FOXNEWS)Organizers of a "Women of Color Dialogue" at Northeastern University in Boston were forced to open an event to all races after initially proclaiming that white women would not be allowed, according to the Northeastern University News. Members of the Women's Studies and Graduate Consortium wanted to exclude white women from the first session of the dialogue. They said it needed to remain racially segregated in order to help the participants come together on issues that many of them felt were perpetrated by white people.
But after hearing complaints from two caucasian students, the Student Government Association and the school provost, the event was opened to all. Dr. Robin Chandler, director of women's studies and one of the organizers of the event, said she was disappointed by the demand.
"I think it's a shame that one or two white students based on white privilege, a lack of awareness of racial issues and a lack of generosity of spirit complained to the office of the provost and were able, because they were white, to gain admission to the morning session that I was forced to open up," Chandler said.-

Well HOLY SHIT!!! White people allowed in to a tax payer funded university for a fucking dialogue????? What next, congress? Fuck those bitches. If these oozing yeast machines are really upset over 2 white chicks attending this I am surprised. This proves that all this racial bullshit is perpetrated and progenated on both sides. Blacks and whites and hispanics, OH MY! These tampon-squatters are just pissed off because whitey used their own tactics against them and it worked. How many times has some whiny minority used equality laws to get into something they weren't invited to? Like all-male military colleges, or country clubs, or colleges that had higher requirements than their retarded ass could achieve? Gimme a fucking break. I am glad those white chicks got in and I am glad it pissed off the event staff. I hope they kill themselves because of it. Mostly, I hope the rest of the country wakes the fuck up and starts killing the stupid people when they find them otherwise we are FUCKED.

Glorious News!

Apparently, there is a very infectious bacteria that causes Tularemia aka Rabbit fever. This bacteria was found in DC, right where all those shitbag whiny waste-of-fucking-skin protesters were congregated and this disease is pretty nasty. I only hope that it infected every last one of those inbred social retards and keeps them either sick or makes them dead. It would be a sign of divine intervention i think, that the higher powers have gotten sick of these stupid bitchy liberal fucks and sent a plague of sorts to visit them and allow them to reflect on the poor choices they have made. I can't wait for the dirt digging,mud-slinging, left-wing media to start in on Bush's newest nominee. I know she looks like the crypt keeper, but I figure it won't take long for NOW to say something brilliant, like Harriet Miers isn't really a woman or some lame shit like they always come up with. I am sure the ACLU or the NAACP will send their worthless comments in about her. Something like, Bush may as well as appointed Eva Braun to the court as Miers no doubt will toe the line in all matters conservative. Say goodbye to your precious freedoms and equal rights because the new hitler has sent in his bitch mistress. Gimme a break. I am sure she will be fine, of course, every liberal hippie troglodyte is going to go nuts because they will feel Bush overstepped his bounds by nominating a woman. I mean, really, that is exclusively a liberal thing to do. How dare he nominate a woman? Well, I am gonna go watch the world fall apart, more to follow as there is too much shit out there that makes me grow more insane. Fuck it, I am gonna start stockpiling the ammunition because the stupidity is running rampant and it's only a matter of time before you dumbasses knock on my door. Gonna get ready...........