Monday, October 03, 2005

Glorious News!

Apparently, there is a very infectious bacteria that causes Tularemia aka Rabbit fever. This bacteria was found in DC, right where all those shitbag whiny waste-of-fucking-skin protesters were congregated and this disease is pretty nasty. I only hope that it infected every last one of those inbred social retards and keeps them either sick or makes them dead. It would be a sign of divine intervention i think, that the higher powers have gotten sick of these stupid bitchy liberal fucks and sent a plague of sorts to visit them and allow them to reflect on the poor choices they have made. I can't wait for the dirt digging,mud-slinging, left-wing media to start in on Bush's newest nominee. I know she looks like the crypt keeper, but I figure it won't take long for NOW to say something brilliant, like Harriet Miers isn't really a woman or some lame shit like they always come up with. I am sure the ACLU or the NAACP will send their worthless comments in about her. Something like, Bush may as well as appointed Eva Braun to the court as Miers no doubt will toe the line in all matters conservative. Say goodbye to your precious freedoms and equal rights because the new hitler has sent in his bitch mistress. Gimme a break. I am sure she will be fine, of course, every liberal hippie troglodyte is going to go nuts because they will feel Bush overstepped his bounds by nominating a woman. I mean, really, that is exclusively a liberal thing to do. How dare he nominate a woman? Well, I am gonna go watch the world fall apart, more to follow as there is too much shit out there that makes me grow more insane. Fuck it, I am gonna start stockpiling the ammunition because the stupidity is running rampant and it's only a matter of time before you dumbasses knock on my door. Gonna get ready...........


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