Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Ok, Who Wound Up The Liberal Chuckleheads Today?

What the fuck people? I was in such a great mood. Really. Then I see my ol' nemesis Barbra Streisand was running rampant, decrying some unauthorized biography of her depicting her as the raging psycho bitch she is. She was ranting about how none of her friends were quoted as sources and that it was all lies in the book. Like people are going to believe that shit? She has already ruined her credibility in the average americans mind since she hopped the liberal asshat train to fantasyland and started badmouthing the country and anyone who is a republican. Also, the crackhead from Dekalb County, Cynthia Mckinney opened her suckhole again and decided she makes the rules when it comes to what journalists can or cannot print. She was calling her communications director a "fool" while being taped and filmed by journalists, then realized she had her foot in her giant sewer of a mouth and told the journalist that her statement was off the record. Nice try bitch, but you have to tell them it was off the record before and after your statement, and what they got was a wonderful soundbite of you being you- a total lunatic and powergrubbing psycho bitch. I hope the guy you bad mouthed sues your ass for slander. I think I would contribute to his legal fund. I definitely will donate to the cop you punched when he decides to sue your ass you piece of shit. Hopefully, Mckinney and all of her asshat counterparts in Congress will be fired this election year and we can have a fresh start of the legislative branch and get some shit done around here. Fucking liberals.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Immigrants Rally, Shoot Selves In Foot.

I was pretty tickled when I started hearing about the illegal aliens getting fired from their jobs that they failed to show up for when they were out protesting their lack of rights as non-citizens in this country. I was also trying to hold back uproarious laughter when I heard there was going to be a "DAY WITHOUT IMMIGRANTS" on May 1st. I guess every illegal alien in the country is supposed to skip work, school, whatever, and protest, boycott, hold vigils, rally, and generally make normal people miserable by clogging traffic. On the bright side, since all these illegal fucks are leaving work that day and sending a clear message to employers that they are willing to bite the hand that feeds them, I am betting there will be a lot of unemployed illegals on May 2nd. Fire every fucking one of them and hire some homeless guy or Katrina evacuee. Not only that, but these rallies will make it a snap for the INS and ICE to arrest and deport these leeches back to their cesspool of origin. I also found out that Halliburton just was awarded a contract to build mass detention centers in the states for holding an 'emergency influx' of illegal aliens. I guess Big Brother has it's good points too. I can only hope that the cattle in this country known as the average voter figures out that unless we stem the flow of illegal immigrants pouring over our borders and soon, we will not have anything to call a border much less a country. For all you 'immigrants rights' people, I want you to think about something, no other country on the planet allows people to stroll into their country and demand anything. Try walking into Mexico and demanding to have someone in the government do anything for you. I dare you. When you get out of Mexican prison, let me know how your experience was. These illegals are looking a gift horse in the mouth and you fucks are trying to subvert the system that has been working. Too many people are trying to get in here illegally and they are draining our resources that taxpayers are footing the bill for. These fucks aren't paying taxes and they aren't entitled to anything in this country that citizens are entitled to. I call every time I find an illegal alien working someplace or even if they are sitting around. I suggest more people do the same so we can enjoy the resources we are being taxed for. If any of you anchor baby lovers wants to debate me on this, I suggest you remove your head from your ass first as I will be so far down your throat you will need to make the room.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

If Illegal Aliens Aren't Illegal, Then Why Do We Have Laws?

This fiasco is a result of liberal hippies renaming everything that they disagree with to make it sound horrible to oppose. First they stopped calling illegal aliens 'illegal' and switched to undocumented. 'undocumented' sounds like you left your wallet at home, doesn't it? It sure doesn't sound 'illegal'. Then they said illegal aliens are entitled to the things our citizens and soldiers earned and fought for because illegal aliens are people too. Sounds good, except that illegal aliens suck up the resources and leave us with shit. Sure we get our lawns mowed and our sheets changed and our fruit picked, but we are throwing money into a pit from where it will not return. The latest scam is to accuse anyone opposed to deporting these parasites and making them come back legally, a racist. I am not quite sure how you get racism out of wanting people to follow the rules, but ok, I will play along. I also want to know where these fucking hippies found the part in the constitution that illegal aliens or other non-citizens are entitled to our rights. They aren't because they AREN'T CITIZENS. I also want to know how the catholic church is going to defend itself when this immigration law goes through and illegal aliens are criminalized, and they are aiding and abetting known criminals. I want to know how they intend on justifying themselves in court when they get hauled in. I guess if they are sticking to their guns on this, a murderer can go to any catholic church or catholic for that matter, tell them he needs a place to stay and some food, and they HAVE to take him in and take care of him. The catholics need to understand that the whole 'least of my brothers' thing is a noble idea, but has it's limits. God helps those who help themselves, the rest go to the soup kitchen. Hopefully, the bird flu will reconcile the books a bit and shave a few million people out of the ranks of humanity and we can block the border to prevent further contamination. I know congress isn't much help, they barely work and when they are around they can't get shit done. Why, here is Hillary describing the size of her ass to a group of people. Really productive, huh?

Friday, April 07, 2006

Hey, Where'd Congress Go?

These douchebags make me want to vomit. They are taking another 2 weeks off for Easter. The rest of us get a big ol' weiner in the ass because we will all have to go back to work after easter. Except the shitbag welfare suckheads and the lazy asswipes from New Orleans that are expecting the rest of us to rebuild their home, and the fucking illegals soaking up our tax dollars because their petri dish anchor baby has some mystery disease and no insurance. The rest of us get fucked so we can pay for all of that, AND so our hardly working representatives can go suck some cocks to try and keep themselves in office and relax on our dime. I think it is the right time for a change; everyone needs to get their friends and family and neighbors together and when November rolls around, vote these incumbent assholes out and bring in some fresh people who are eager to work. I mean everyone of them too, kennedy, kerry, clinton, pelosi,hastert, et al. No exceptions, all of them. Let's start off right, new congress for a new president. I am not saying change party control, I am saying get these fucks out and bring new people in. No more earmarks, no more add ons to bills. I don't want to pay for a study on waterless urinals for the Navy when the Army just did the same study and the data is available. Just make a copy, change the name from Army to Navy and there you have it. I also don't want to know why certain people like to eat sticks of butter. Why are my taxes paying for that? I think we need to send a strong message to these fucks that their shenanigans are no longer tolerated and we as their constituents and tax payers expect them to be at work dealing with our issues and not out running the roads. 97 days of work are not enough for the money they are being paid. Time to give them notice and find new hires. Fuck Congress, especially the democrats.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Congresswoman Mckinney, The Biggest Douche In The Universe

Representative Mckinney is perhaps the biggest douche in the universe, seeing how she can't even make intelligible sentences when speaking to the public. Further, she has apparently perfected the 'I'm a poor black woman who is getting racially profiled by the nasty white po-po' charade to garner attention for herself in an election year no less. She said, and this is a direct quote "Something that perhaps the average American just doesn't understand is that there is a heightened sense of a lack of appropriateness being there for members who are elected who happen to be of color," McKinney said, "and until this issue is addressed by the American public in a very substantive way, it won't be the last time." Now can anyone out there tell me just what the fuck this dizzy bitch was talking about? I had to ask several co-workers what this statement means and none of them could tell me either. What the fuck is a 'heightened sense of a lack of appropriatness'? What does that mean? Apparently she has a history of 'racial profiling' since she has had these types of incidents several times in the past. This time she took it up a notch and punched the cop trying to do his job. I hope they fucking hang this bitch out to dry and prosecute her to the fullest extent. Not only did she try and circumvent the security checkpoint, she failed to identify herself and failed to stop when ordered by a police officer. She then punched the cop when he took hold of her to stop her. I would have followed her punch with the phrase '50,000 volts are now passing through your body, you will now place your hands behind your back as you are now under arrest.' This bitch feels that she is above the law since she is an elected official and doesn't need to follow the rules set forth to protect people on Capitol Hill, like HER. Cynthia Mckinney is now the official Douche of the Universe and even people in her beloved Democratic party are running away from her like she was a crack whore with a scorching case of projectile herpes. She clearly believes she is a victim because she is black. What abaout the other black representatives that pass through everyday? Charlie Rangel, Barack Obama? They aren't hassled at all. I guess it must be the fact she has cow tits and bug-eyes that the cops want to harass and profile her. She looks like a nutcase to me! I hope her hair falls the fuck out so she won't have to notify the police on her hairstyle changes any more since she will be bald. I hope her fucking eyes rot. If anyone wants to discuss this or debate me, I will be in the root cellar with my scotch.