Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Congresswoman Mckinney, The Biggest Douche In The Universe

Representative Mckinney is perhaps the biggest douche in the universe, seeing how she can't even make intelligible sentences when speaking to the public. Further, she has apparently perfected the 'I'm a poor black woman who is getting racially profiled by the nasty white po-po' charade to garner attention for herself in an election year no less. She said, and this is a direct quote "Something that perhaps the average American just doesn't understand is that there is a heightened sense of a lack of appropriateness being there for members who are elected who happen to be of color," McKinney said, "and until this issue is addressed by the American public in a very substantive way, it won't be the last time." Now can anyone out there tell me just what the fuck this dizzy bitch was talking about? I had to ask several co-workers what this statement means and none of them could tell me either. What the fuck is a 'heightened sense of a lack of appropriatness'? What does that mean? Apparently she has a history of 'racial profiling' since she has had these types of incidents several times in the past. This time she took it up a notch and punched the cop trying to do his job. I hope they fucking hang this bitch out to dry and prosecute her to the fullest extent. Not only did she try and circumvent the security checkpoint, she failed to identify herself and failed to stop when ordered by a police officer. She then punched the cop when he took hold of her to stop her. I would have followed her punch with the phrase '50,000 volts are now passing through your body, you will now place your hands behind your back as you are now under arrest.' This bitch feels that she is above the law since she is an elected official and doesn't need to follow the rules set forth to protect people on Capitol Hill, like HER. Cynthia Mckinney is now the official Douche of the Universe and even people in her beloved Democratic party are running away from her like she was a crack whore with a scorching case of projectile herpes. She clearly believes she is a victim because she is black. What abaout the other black representatives that pass through everyday? Charlie Rangel, Barack Obama? They aren't hassled at all. I guess it must be the fact she has cow tits and bug-eyes that the cops want to harass and profile her. She looks like a nutcase to me! I hope her hair falls the fuck out so she won't have to notify the police on her hairstyle changes any more since she will be bald. I hope her fucking eyes rot. If anyone wants to discuss this or debate me, I will be in the root cellar with my scotch.


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