Sunday, January 22, 2006

Bomb, Bomb, Bomb. Bomb, Bomb, Iran.

This is what I would like to see on the news for Fuckhead Iranian president Mahmoud AhmadinJIHAD on his birthday. Something along the lines of an old Looney Toons episode, where he gets a present and he is all surprised, pulls the ribbon and BOOM! That would be swell. This picture had a caption 'Suicide Bomber reacts poorly to surprise birthday party', and I thought that was an awesome caption, but definitely need to apply some other uses of explosives to Iran. These radical isolationist fucks need to be eradicated like a termite infestation. Gas the whole fucking nest and then plant some flowers. Ever since 1979, these assholes have been causing problems throughout the whole world, either funding little haji terrorists to blow up something, or shoot a missile into a shopping mall, they have been behind most of this shit. They even have a large part of the Al Qaeda leadership squirreled away in seclusion under guard so they aren't messed with, all as guests of the state. That alone should be bringing a rain of daisy cutters, satellite guided missiles and carpet bombing all over the country, simply because that is why the Taliban got smashed. They harbored terrorists, refused to give them up, so we took their asses out. Simple. Once we start recognizing that these fucks aren't going to accept anything other than a nuclear deterrent in their ass to stop the shenanigans, we will be better off. If I were in charge, we would be carpet bombing Tehran with nukes until we ran out. The attack would start as soon as I took office too. My first official act, Nuking Iran. My second, a 3 week vacation. Of course, I am sure all you liberals would rather give the iranians a big hug so they would know we care about them. I am sure that would work. Try that on one of those insurgents wearing a bomb vest. I bet it would change his mind, all he needed was a hug. Hopefully, when the rest of the military gets back from Iraq and Afghanistan, they will start kicking all of your hippy liberal tree hugging asses for being shitbags while they were away. I know I am looking forward to it.Fuckers.


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