Thursday, August 11, 2005


Listen up monkeys, the enemy is not at the gates, he is in the house. OUR HOUSE. All you whiny- self- absorbed- piece- of -shit- cowardly- liberal fucks need to wake the fuck up and realize you are being hunted by ruthless killers. Stop bitching about the government trying to protect you and let them do their job. They will make mistakes, and so fucking what if they do. They are trying which is alot more than what you miserable douchebags are doing. Cindy Shithead,er,Sheehan is protesting Bush cuz her kid died in combat. BOOHOO. She should understand more than any other person exactly what her kid was doing, because he did. He knew why he was fighting in Iraq, he understood and ultimately lost his life doing his duty. Now she is tarnishing his service by protesting the war and demanding we pull out. Gee, it worked in Vietnam right? You fucks are so fucking stupid. These muslim pig-fuckers only want one thing:join them or die. PERIOD. We should be expelling muslims in droves right into the ocean or an active volcano. We need to stop playing nice-nice with these fucks and open a no limit hunting season on fucking hajis. I know I would buy a permit. All you fucks are going to bitch until something in your neighborhood goes BOOM and then you will wish you weren't a shitbag liberal and had a soldier protecting you. Unfortunately, soldiers will protect people who don't like them because they value our way of life and understand what it takes to preserve it. You fucks don't. I hope the hajis set off a dirtybomb in the ACLU. I would buy tickets to watch it on pay-per-view. You fucks are stupid. Die, Motherfuckers,Die. That means you, Haji and liberal scum.


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