Monday, August 01, 2005

I Like Penguins.........

And when I say like, I mean hate. And when I say penguins, I mean muslims. Apparently, the muslims in this country, as well as other countries, don't like or want to be portrayed in the media as terrorists or psychotic suicidal bombers who blow themselves and little children into tiny bits because they don't agree with other peoples ideology. Instead, they want the media and hollywood, and typical americans to stop "stereotyping" muslims as homicidal nutjobs who like to kill people in the name of god. I about shot my television when I saw the non-veil wearing, make-up caked, jewelry flaunting, haji female bitch whining about how unfair it was that muslims are perceived as terrorists and baby-killers. Gee, let's review. Who flew the planes into the pentagon and the WTC? MUSLIMS. Who drove the truck bomb into Khobar towers? MUSLIMS. Who blew up my chow hall and killed a bunch of my comrades and friends? MUSLIMS. Who blows up carbombs in crowded public places killing innocent civilians around the world? MUSLIMS. Who blew up the subways and busses in London? MUSLIMS. Who blew up the Murrah building in Oklahoma? A WHITE GUY. Big deal. Fact is, out of all the terrorist attacks, 98% of the attacks are committed by FUCKING DIRTY MUSLIMS. Here is the kicker. The muslim council in america issued an edict-they call it a fatwa,(which translates into "BIG FAT DIRTY MUSLIM LIE") condemning terrorism, but not necessarily suicide bombers or attacks on christians or jews. They WOULD NOT NAME NAMES OR GROUPS OR CONDEMN EITHER OF THOSE. They basically said we are against it-sometimes. Even so-called moderate muslim clerics say suicide attacks are ok sometimes. It depends on the target. I guess if you are a jew or christian it is ok to blow them up,just not other muslims. FUCK ALL OF YOU STINKY, NON-BATHING, HAIRY, COCK-NOSED, PSYCHO, HAJI MOTHERFUCKERS. They reason they blow themselves up is simple- they are born into shit,can't read or write, fuck goats and their first cousins, aren't allowed to look at their wife, live at a level of poverty that makes the average pan-handler look like a king, and usually die of some nasty disease from eating their own shit mixed with their food. FUCK THEM ALL. I hope they get ahold of a nuke, and set it off accidentally in the middle of mecca. That would fucking rock. I would record it, set it on a loop,and play it over and over and over until my eyes bled. Click the above link and imagine the yeti is you, and the penguins are some shitbag haji. I personally love when the little parts hit the spikes, but when the head bounces off the mines I like that too. Have fun, and fuck over a haji when you can. I know some people are going to call "racist" but I don't care. Facts are facts, and I can't be a racist when I hate muslims, which are people following a fucked up ideology, not a race of people so shove that up your liberal ass you inbred fucks.


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