Friday, August 26, 2005

Dying Tickles

I want to know how the fuck we as a country arrived at the lowest possible point in our history, where everyone in the country turns on each other at the slightest of reasons and for what? Are we as a society so pussy-whipped that we can't take honest criticism or even an insult without crying and whining and throwing a fucking tantrum? People, GET OVER IT! I am wondering how many of you have survived so far in life without being killed or killing yourselves from being terminally stupid. I don't get it. People seem to think they are the center of the universe and if they can't get it their way when they want it, they feel as if they have somehow been slighted and file grievances or protest. Case in point, Cindy Shithead er, Sheehan has decided her son who died in Iraq after reenlisting and volunteering to stay in the Army knowing he would deploy, died for nothing and has been protesting ever since. She is defiling her sons memory and verbally spitting on every veteran in the country and abroad because her vagina hurts. She is no better than Jane "commie cocksucker" Fonda and is supporting the people who wish to harm us by improving their morale and eroding ours. I know this as I recently returned from Iraq and still have many friends over there fighting for freedom and saving your sorry whiny liberal asses. Grow a spine and some balls. You can disagree with the war, hell, you don't even have to like Bush but as an American citizen you have the DUTY to back your country and your government no matter what. If you disagree with the policies or the way things are done, use your constitutionally protected right and go vote, you fucking hippie. The next person who says "he's not MY president" is going to wish they were never born becauseI will gut them with a melon baller and feed them their own anus. You didn't vote or you didn't vote for Bush, so fucking what. He is the president of the USA and if you want to continue to enjoy your rights and live in this country, you need to pull your head out of your ass and act like a real american. 60 years ago, if you made a remark that was inflammatory or detrimental to the country you more than likely would regret the day you were born because you would likely being lynched by angry americans. WWII we lost hundreds of thousands of men to combat. WWII was only 4 years long. We have been in Iraq now for more than 2 years and have only lost 1900 to combat. I would think that would be a strong enough case, but you liberal fuckheads and lazy generation "me" shitbags have the attention spans of a retarded moth and don't comprehend "long-term goals" or "necessary deployments" or "national security" for that matter. If it takes longer than a 90 minute movie you are bored and agitated that it isn't over yet and want to complain about it. I say GO FUCK YERSELVES and stick your head in a bucket of shit. I will cause a vast amount of irreparable and painful bodily harm to you liberal shitbags who decide it is incumbant upon yourselves to confront me on this. You are destroying the country and you should kill yourselves for the greater good of the country. Oh yeah, the next time one of you holier-than-thou liberals says that the republicans or the president should sign up their kids in the service or that republicans don't send their kids to war, think about this. Over 75% of the military voted for BUSH. I have yet to find a liberal in the military and last I checked, the democrats aren't pushing their kids into the service either. Have Kerry sign up his brats or have Hillary enlist her bitch daughter Chelsea. Then you can whine all you want, you two-faced, chicken-shit,oozing-pussy, liberal, tree-hugging, commie-loving, back-stabbing, rectal warts.


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