Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Gas Prices Suck

I know I shouldn't complain, but let's face it, oil companies are recording record profits, up to 5 cents a gallon sold, and they are not complaining that the average consumer is getting fucked every which way they can without any lube. The government, to include the states and local ones, are also enjoying the prices because they reap about 1/3rd of the price per gallon each of us buys. This is in the form of various taxes that have been attached over the years to fund various things the government wants to fund with your money. Like why monkeys throw shit or how come pandas don't like to fuck for audiences. If the oil companies would minimize their profit to even 2 cents a gallon, it would ease the uncontrolled spike in prices,and the government could also take a hit and lower the taxes on the gallons. Of course, that would make SENSE and we all know that people are not worth the skin they ocupy so everyone buy stock in KY Jelly cuz you are gonna need it. Hopefully, we can use this repeat of history (remember the gas shortages in the 70's?) and pull our mouth of the oil tit that is the middle east. Not likely. On a brighter side, about 1000 stinky hajis died today in Iraq, and not from a bomb or US forces. Seems some shitbag yelled "suicide bomber" in a crowd crossing a bridge and caused everyone to panic and trample people or knock them into the river below. Awesome. What we need to do is put a few suitcase nukes around mecca when they do the annual pilgrimage and that would effectively remove several million of the worst camel fucking hajis from the planet, as well as boost the octane in the oil there thus giving us better fuel efficiency. I hope it happens. I want that for christmas. A tactical nuclear detonation(s) during the Haj in Mecca. Please Santa, make my wish come true. Fuck them.


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