Wednesday, September 28, 2005

All We Are Saying, Is Give Me A Fucking Break!

Big Post today as I have been too busy to vent in any healthy controlled manner on a regular basis. First things first-the article I linked to the title is a hoot. Some islamic civil rights group (like that whole phrase isn't an oxymoron) is bitching about soldiers posting pictures of the Iraqi war dead online saying the army isn't doing enough to stop or punish the troops doing this. Fuck you, towelhead! Your buddies in the middle east AND in this country post pictures of dead U.S. troops online ALL THE FUCKING TIME. You motherfuckers should take a long look at your own people and then figure out if you in fact have a legitimate reason to complain. Personally, I was upset to find out I wasn't allowed to bring body parts home with me as trophies. I think a hunting permit for islamic radical jihadist fucks should be issued to all who want them. No bag limit! It is disgusting how the unwashed,uneducated,underachieving leftist fuckwits in this country sling insults at the very people who gave them their rights to protest and dissent. Somehow, a huge group of these smelly, obnoxious, stupid idiots made their way to DC this weekend and were protesting the war in Iraq. Most of these morons have no clue what they are talking about, much less are they able to engage in debate on their position without fucking up. These people call troops fascist communists among other things. First of all, Facism and Communism are polar opposite. It would be like calling someone a republican democrat. You people are fucking up the gene pool. Please get out of it. Cindy shithead got arrested because she is a moron. It is a simple concept, in a protest, you keep moving. When the cops say move along or you will get arrested, you move along so you can keep protesting. You don't ignore the cops who are waiting to empty the heavy can of pepper spray and get rid of those pesky stingball grenades because you are too stupid to follow simple instruction. I hope she gets mowed down in a freak combine accident. Her kid is probably spinning in his grave from her insulting and derogatory behavior. She went a step further and complained that the media was covering hurricane rita which was smashing the gulf coast and not her. What a fucking bitch. Even that made some of these simpletons wake up and say that she is no longer a person they support. If I ever meet her I will probably end up in prison for a long time because I don't know if the nuclear blast of rage I would release would be controllable. On a side note, all you fucking protesters need to get a refresher course in personal hygiene. Take a FUCKING BATH YOU SMELLY HIPPY FUCKS!!! It makes it easier to get your point across when people stay around to listen instead of chasing them down the street as they flee from your patchoulie laced fungus induced stench. I would rather dive headfirst into the 8 inch toxic muck in New Orleans than sit on a bus with you smelly bastards. You people need to get a god damned job. I am sure your parents are high-fiving each other about your decision to stop bathing, ditch work/school, and protest when you have never voted, served the country, or contributed to society. They are probably neutering themselves with kitchen utensils because of the way you turned out. You should kill yourselves. Lastly,(maybe) any of you peacenik/hippie socialists ever says within earshot of me that supporters of the war are cowards sending other peoples kids to die, I will skin you alive on the spot. I support the war, I fought in the war and I will guarantee that there are more republicans over in Iraq than there are democrats, so get your heads out of your asses and shut the fuck up. I earned my guaranteed rights, all you fucks did was sit on your fat, lazy,asses while good men and women did the work for you. You people are disgusting and I am ashamed that you are considered 'American'. You should leave the country immediately. My offer still stands,though no one has taken me up on it, to pack your shit up for you and I will move you out. I will take you to the nearest border and ensure you no longer have to suffer as an american citizen. You will be out of the U.S. In short, you people still make me want to vomit, and murder you en masse. I hope a haji picks your little protest for his martyr mission. Fuck you for being born.


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