Saturday, September 17, 2005

I Vomit In Protest

So it has been a while since I have vented, and so far the authorities haven't caught on, so here goes the new edition. For those of you looking for some direction in your life, maybe a little experience. Even a little something to make it all 'click' for you, consider this. On the 24th of this month, a very large group of miscreants will descend on DC to protest the war in Iraq. Every tree-hugging hippie and cause-head will be there, to include cindy shithead and jane "bitch-from-hell" fonda. There will be thousands of them there en masse to voice their opinions against the present conflict. Personally, I feel that if a person who actually contributes to society has a legitimate grievance with the way things are operating, then please feel free to exercise the rights your fellow countrymen died for to express your concerns. Now that being said, if you are just a shitty little college puke who is living off of daddy's money and are one of the many twenty-somethings still breast feeding yet bitch about everything idiots that love to protest for the sake of protesting, you need to pop the titty out of your mouth and get a real job. Protesting is NOT a career. It is something to be used only in the most solemn of circumstances. Not because your lazy ass disagrees with something you know nothing about. I personally will be there on the 24th to protest the protesters in an effort to curb the rampant stupidity in the country. I will have a few supporters with me. I will also have a wood chipper there so any of you worthless hippie anti-war un-american freaks can feel free at any time to crawl into it. I plan on using the resulting proceeds to chum fish on my next fishing trip. It's not hard people, try growing up and stop disagreeing with stuff just because you don't like someone. It is literally like listening to a 2 year old complaining about taking a nap. You leftist crybabies only complain about the shit Bush does simply because it is Bush doing it. Clinton was 10 times the shitbag and you all loved him. Grow up people, or if that is too difficult, please crawl into my wood chipper. I don't expect anyone to actually look me up and ask me to blow their tiny brain out of their skull with my 12 guage, but I leave the offer out there for any of you idiot liberals who feel that they cannot take it anymore. Now go fuck yourselves.


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