Friday, July 29, 2005

The Lunatics Abound

This is Helen Thomas. Helen doesn't like Dick Cheney. I am sure Cheney does not like her. Helen is a columnist/liberal fuckwit whostated she would kill herself if Cheney runs for president in 2008. It hurts to look at Helen. Helen looks like someone hit her repeatedly with a hot bag of nickels and set her on fire only to put her out with a wet chain and a fork. I hope cheney runs. He should announce his intention to do just that, even if he isn't serious, because hopefully she will follow through with her statement and then there will be one less whiny, mealy-mouthed, bleeding-heart, hand-holding, liberal fuckwit ruining the country. I don't think she'll do it. I would be willing to bet on it. She is just like all those dumbass liberal whiners that threatened to leave the country if Bush got re-elected,and then failed to follow through on their promise. Just like their political party. Big promises, bigger let downs. My offer still stands for all you lazy, worthless, bleeding-heart, tree-hugging, liberal bastards-I WILL HELP YOU MOVE. That's right, I will come to your door, in uniform, pack your shit, and take you to the border and kick you out myself. I will do it for free. Just contact me. I also would like to offer the use of one of my handguns to Helen when she decides to make good on her promise to kill herself when Cheney runs. They are all large calibre and will definitely do the job. This offer goes out to all you liberal shitbags who feel like Helen does. I will ensure your confetti filled head is blown apart like a pinata so don't hesitate to email me when you decide conservativism is too much to bear anymore. I hate you fucks, but I would love to see all of you committing mass suicide in political protest. I BET YOU WON'T DO IT!

Thursday, July 28, 2005

The Latest, Greatest, Crap Around!

Apparently we are drifting through a solar flare or some weird radioactive cosmic cloud because the world just went into the sewer. It has to be the seventh sign of the apocalypse because congress, on both sides of the aisle including Teddy Kennedy, denounced the ACLU in session. (means not only publicly, but it's now on record) Weird. Then the brits announced the suspected mastermind behind the london bombings was in custody and showed a picture of the guy, his name is aswad (pronounced: ASS-WAD) and looks like he likes to get punched in the mouth when he is sucking cock. Definitely looks like his family tree doesn't branch. Anyhoo, they catch this guy, and now muslims everywhere are denouncing terrorism, I guess they figured out that it is the MUSLIMS that are fucking up and not some cult of angry micronesians with extensive funding and explosives training. GEE WHIZ! Also, apparently the troops are going to downsize dramatically in IRAQ because americans typically are spineless, mindless cattle who follow the sound of the loudest and most popular moron. (HOLLYWOOD ACTORS) Great. I go to Iraq, do my job, come home, and now in a couple years I get to fight all these fucking hajis here? What the fuck man? All you anti-war liberal hippie treehugging, kumbayah singing activist fucks are going to be begging troops to protect you the first time something goes boom on the highway or flies into another building or poisons a mass of people. You people suck and I will not lift finger one to save your worthless, spineless, sorry ass. I did that for you ungrateful fucks long enough and all I saw in return was people enjoying the irresponsible life. Well this time, YOU can fight haji in your back yard with your pampered chef potholders and salad tongs. I will be fending for myself. What is going on with the scientology? All of the sudden, katie holmes herpes outbreak turned into some ritual where they give you a glass of french spring water from the alps, and a shitload of niacin (vitamin B3) and you become de-toxified? Well kiss my grits. I guess they had it right all along! All you need to do is pay 50,000$ and drink some french water and overdose on a vitamin to be purified. Sounds like a ball. Here, try the KOOL-AID. I don't see how anyone can NOT have a problem with this group. Remember JONESTOWN? Unbelievable. I can't take it anymore, I just can't believe all the bullshit the average american accepts. If more people knew more about the government, and about what journalism is supposed to do, we wouldn't have so many problems. Unfortunately, our voting process has turned into a popularity contest,and the losers (democrats) keep bitching how it isn't fair and throw tantrums. Howard Dean is blaming BUSH for the suprem court decision on eminent domain when he didn't nominate or post ANY OF THE JUSTICES. Howard Dean is a fucking moron. I hope he dies of gonorrhea and rots in hell. Fuck the liberals,the ACLU, scientologists, and especially all of you anti-war pieces of shit. If I run into you pray you can outrun bullets because I am an excellent shot and I will shoot you in whatever reproductive organ you have so you can't continue to pollute the gen pool.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Kennedy Eats A Smashed Asshole

Apparently Ted "the distillery king" Kennedy thinks his going to Guantanamo will end any speculation on how things run there and will prove him and the other bitch-ass whiny liberal crybaby fuckwits as being right about everything and not just a bunch of oozing pussies. Well apparently the troops at the camp from Massachusettes don't like Kennedy or how he portrays the troops and told him so when he arrived. It has got to be the equivalent of a 2x4 to the face to hear from troops, much less troops from your own state, tell you to pack sand up your ass and stop talking shit about stuff you don't know anything about. I wish I were a fly on the wall there so I could have landed on his head and shit on him. This has got to be a sign that Kennedy needs to retire into distant memory and stop fucking with the country. Fuck him, Oswald shot the wrong guy.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I Am Glad I'm Not A Muslim

I read an article forwarded to me by a friend,(click title) and honestly, it not only demonstrates why muslims in the third world are fucking nuts, but also why we need to ensure this viral religion doesn't overtake our country. Now I can already hear all you pinko ACLU types crying racism and persecution etc. Fuck you. Read the article and tell me this is a religion you want running rampant here. The low down is as follows. Some dirty haji raped his daughter in law, she reported it to the authorities and the ruling village religious council like any good(used loosely) muslim would. The religious coucil ruled that since she had sex with her father in law she was now his wife and her husband was now her son. (start singing "I'm my own grampa") She disputed it,but the countries overall council upheld the ruling and said 'yup, it's official and binding' so she is expected to marry her dad. Of course there are protests by "moderate" muslims in the country and female muslims there, but get this, they don't matter because to muslims in that country(and others) women are commodities and have no rights. Kinda like cattle but worth less. This is yet another reason we should bomb these fucks into oblivion, because the stone age is where they still are and they like it like that. I stick to my assertion that islam is like a virus because it mutates according to the individuals interpretation, and spreads like a bad strain of bloody diarrhea-inducing cholera. I know christianity has had it's moments but these fucks are really disturbing. Kill them all and we can erect a monument in their memory so the future generations know what to watch out for.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Can We Start Killing PETA Members PLEASE?

The idiots at PETA have done it again, they decided a town in the northeast named FISHKILL had a cruel sounding name and they are lobbying to get it changed to, get this, Yes it's true, they want to name the town after a website they run dedicated to eradicating fishing and eating fish et al. These people are fucking nuts. There should be state run hunting tournements for these whackjobs. Who the fuck do they think they are anyway? I guess the world doesn't have enough problems, let's worry about how the poor fish feel about a town named Fishkill. Morons. I read that article and got so angry I nearly bit through my cheek and lower lip. I would like to see what these fucks are gonna do to stop all the other animals on the planet from eating other animals. Maybe they can demonstrate to the other predators on the planet how eating other critters is bad. Maybe then they can explain to the world why everything is dying from overpopulation and starvation and disease. Fuckheads. I hate them. When they get the animal kingdom to go vegan, then I will stop eating animals. It is the benefit of having opposable thumbs that makes it possible to be at the top of the food chain. Fuck the rest of the animals because they are here to make my belly full and keep me warm with their hides. All you PETA people can sucks my ass with a twisty straw.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Unfuck Yourselves Before You Get Hurt.

Been a while since I posted, being stuck in an environment that frowns upon certain internet activities can do that, but now I have a chance to vomit out some anger for your amusement. Well, maybe not amusement, but it amuses me! Anyway, ever wonder how stupid people survive into adulthood? I'm not talking about people who sometimes forget their brain, but genuinely stupid people. I know I rant about them all the time, but they make me so fucking angry I feel like murdering large masses of people to purge society of these ass-clowns. I give you example one-but with some build up. "ONE" by definition means singular, only, lone, individual, and does not mean in any way plural or multiple. Everyone clear on that? Good. On the the example: Weight Watchers makes candy sold in bags for people following their plan and trying to lose weight. They have a "points" system where the food is broken down and rationed into a point allotment for the day. Basically, eat no more points than you are supposed to, and you lose weight. Makes sense. What doesn't make sense is the fact that on the candy bag where they put the point value of the product, they have a nice friendly little sign that says "1 points". Yes, you read that right. "1 points". Now I saw it, and granted, I am not on weight watchers nor do I count calories or whatever, but "1 points"?!?!?! What the fuck? The person who put that on, and all the people the design was put through should be dipped in tar and set on fire. Morons. Moving on, I decided that this whole 'war on terror' needs to be revamped, rethought, and redone. We need to take every single journalist and media mogul out to the middle east and leave them there with the fucking haji's so they can get an up close and personal look at how these fucks really feel about outsiders. Not just Americans, but any non-muslim that isn't from their back yard. When they start getting their hands and heads lopped off, maybe the people around the globe will realize that we aren't dealing with the run of the mill piece of shit extremist. Anyone who doesn't think these people are vicious murdering fucks needs to read up on them. The website lists all of zarqawi's communique's and all you need to do is read them to realise he and every filthy ragheaded dirt farmer in the middle east needs to be killed and quickly. They will not stop in Iraq, they will not stop if we leave, they will not stop until we are dead or we have killed them. PERIOD. Read the letters. Go on. Watch the videos on that site too if you feel like watching how these people do business. It will change your outlook on what these so-called muslim religion of peace fucks really want. You do not have to like Bush or war. You don't even have to like politics or anything else. However, if you like the ability to make your own decisions, you need to shut your fucking mouth when it comes to complaining about how the war is going. Stop complaining, and petitioning, and whining, and bitching because all you are doing is encouraging these animals over in the middle east. Also, all of you greenpeace hippie treehugging militant vegetarian fur is murder hempwearing granola fucks need to grow up and get a fucking life. For one, i like to eat veal. It is yummy. I want more. If you want to eat carrot sticks, fine, stop fucking up my dinner. And, I like driving my SUV. I don't care if it doesn't get good gas mileage. I could care even less if they needed to drill a oil well in my yard to get more. If an animal is dumb enough to nest on an oil rig, fuck it. It doesn't have the genetic disposition to survive and should be allowed to go peacefully into the night. No need to shut down a perfectly good oil well for some stupid endangered bird. I like cheap gas. I realise the market is affected by different things. One thing we can control is the dumbass greenies fucking with it too. Kill them. They perpetrate fraud all the time. To prove the point, here is ANOTHER EXAMPLE!!! I saw a lady driving her FORD EXCURSION while talking on the cellphone, and guess what was on her bumper? Bumper stickers for greenpeace,Peta,stop ANWR drilling, and a "think globally, act locally" sticker. I wanted to strangle her. I would have if the fucking haji cab driver spoke english and understood what the hell I was telling him. No doubt this lady thinks she is doing her part, probably donates or even works at the national headquarters for one of these organizations. If the cattle these companies employ knew she was one of the leadership they may begin to think differently about what they are doing. Apparently as long as she can drive her shitbox around town with a bumpersticker on it everything is fine. I hope she gets carjacked by a crackhead with hepatitis C and herpes, kidnapped and force fed nothing but milk fed box raised veal and foie gras, while getting gerbils jammed into her ass by a large toothless retard with festering boils on his hands. Foie gras by the way, is where you force feed a goose until its liver explodes and you pan sear the blown out liver. Yummy. Folks at PETA LOVE foie gras. Until next time, go run in traffic with scissors.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

OK, Seriously now, Stop It.

So the lovable chuckleheads at the ACLU won a lawsuit barring the pentagon/dept. of defense from funding boy scout jamborees in the future. The arguement was that the boy scouts were an organization that requires its members to swear an oath to god, and since we all know that christianity is evil and should not be funded by the government, they shouldn't receive funds from the government because of the religious affiliation. Since when does the ACLU give a flying fuck about who gives money to the boy scouts? It is this type of thing that should make people foam at the mouth. The ACLU is eroding any kind of support the government can give to organizations by boggling the judicial system down with these asinine lawsuits. The ACLU should not exist. It is an organization that was created by subversives, and is still run and funded by subversives. These people do not care about freedom, nor do they care about democratic government. These people believe the rights of the few are worth more than the rights of the majority. This has been demonstrated time and time again by the lawsuits against majority rights of everyone in the country, specifically anything that has to do with christianity. While I am not religious, I do believe that if a majority of people have a similar interest in a belief system, and they aren't forcing it down everyone's throats, then who cares? No one in the government has ever mandated anyone follow christianity,and even though the ten commandments is all over the capitol buildings, the supreme court, and congress opens session with a tax payer paid for prayer by a christian priest. The solution to all of this isn't lawsuits, it is the removal of the ACLU. I know for a fact that there is a special place in hell for the ACLU's members and employees. They can continue their work wearing gasoline suits for eternity. Fuck them.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

What The Fuck People?!?!?!

If it wasn't bad enough to have shitbag people roaming our streets preying on kids, we have even worse fuckwits letting these fuckers go even after they have been caught. Prime examples, Jessica Lunsford in Florida, the nutjob in Canada who just got released even though she offered her kid sister to her psycho boyfriend to rape and murder, and now these 2 kids in Idaho, one of which is most certainly dead after being brutally raped by this convicted and on the run rapist/murderer. Who is worse? Instead of killing these disgusting freaks on site when they are caught/convicted, we let them out on the premise and promise that they don't do it again. WHAT THE FUCK FOR? We KNOW they will do it again, it has been demonstrated time and time again. Instead of spending all the money on these special laws, lets eliminate these spokespeople that advocate kid touchers "rights" and make it safer for everyone. I can almost guarantee the ACLU, NAMBLA, and a few other so-called "justice watchdog groups" have their dirty little dick beaters deep in this pie and we are suffering for it. Fuck these people. Let the advocates and bleeding hearts of these monsters spend a quiet weekend with them and see how they like getting buttfucked by the missing link before they get tossed into a woodchipper or left for dead in a drainage pond. The real criminals are the people trying to reform these predators. Kill them first, then the chomos.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Need I Remind You Your Job Is At Stake?

Apparently the recent court ruling for eminent domain woke up a large part of the country who figured out that anyone can now be evicted by the government if they feel they can leach more money from the land by another owner. These newly awakened cattle got a bit angry(as well they should have) and contacted their respective elected officials in congress and said WHAT THE FUCK, OVER? FIX IT OR YOU ARE FIRED. That coupled with the elected officials sudden realization that their property was also now on the auction block, they have moved to pass legislation to effectively limit the ruling and make it a dead issue. WAY TO GO SHITBAGS!! When it's their ass on the line they work, they move with a sense of fucking urgency. When it's little ol' citizen nobody, they could give a fuck less if you were in the house when it gets bulldozed or not. Fuck these guys. They all should be replaced in 06' by people who at the minimum do their jobs effectively and don't pull this kindergarten shit of bitching and whining."He called me a nazi, boohoo" or "He called her a bitch, boohoo" as we have seen all too often with these fuckheads all they do is complain and stall and oh well, the issues at hand will wait til next session cuz it's golf time. There should be a rule that while congress is in session, they are chained to their desk for the duration, and can't leave until the issues on the floor are dealt with. I have seen pictures of the palatial offices some of these fucks have to suffer with when they are "working late". Luxurious bed brought in, set up in the gold trim and red velvet wallpapered chamber room of the office, with mahogany furniture and plush leather chairs with all the comforts of a 5 star hotel. Yeah they suffer. Fuck them.