Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Tim Kaine, El Diablo Del Bano

Yes, that's right, he IS the bathroom devil. This toilet bug has managed to put the nice shiny coat of wax on that big unnecessary tax pill, and shove it right up Virginians asses. This butt puppet wants to raise the taxes in this state, again, on everything from sales, food, gas, property, new car sales, "overweight vehicles" meaning anything considered a SUV, and impose a tax on bad drivers. The kicker is, he actually thinks that telling people it is necessary to raise taxes, 400 million dollars worth in the next 4 years, to upgrade the roads and rail systems in Virginia. Guess what? Been tried, it failed miserably. In 2004, taxes were raised under a so-called emergency need, now there is over 1.4 billion dollars in surplus that is just sitting around doing nothing. Tim Kaine is doing nothing to stem the tide of illegal aliens into Virginia, allows them to get driver's licenses, buy cars, take jobs, and AVOID PAYING ANY TAXES. He is typical of the liberal hand-holding fuckwads that are flowing out of D.C. and into Virginia because they were tired of being taxed to death without anything to show for it aside from crackhead marion barry. I have already written this asshole, as have several of my friends and family members voicing our disgust at this poor excuse for a human being. I can only hope there are still reasonable people in this state that recognize extortion when it smacks them in the face. Apparently, Tim Kaine wants to take one of the wealthiest and best run states in the nation and bankrupt it's citizens by overtaxing the working people and create a welfare state like Louisiana. That worked well when the shit hit the fan there, he must feel like that is the way to do business. I hope he gets a hot bag of nickels shoved up his ass. I encourage anyone from VA who reads this to write our shitbag governor and tell him to knock this shit off. Maybe we can vote in a decent governor next time and get these bloodsuckers out of office for good. Fuck Tim Kaine, fuck him up his stupid ass.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Liberals Suck Again!

The link will disturb you. The fact that there are several states doing this should disturb you more. Apparently, the democrats feel the average american citizen (note: illegal aliens don't apply in this case) doesn't pay enough in taxes to support all of the hand-holding programs the democrats want to have around or to support the fucking homeless assholes or hurricane evacuees sucking the system dry of resources that would be better spent elsewhere. There are states, led by democrats, including my home state which decided to vote in yet another douchebag democrat Tim Kaine, that feel that if you get a traffic ticket, you should now pay a tax for the offense in addition to the fines, court costs, etc. To even think this is a good idea defies all logic. Sure it brings money into the state, but it also is another burden on the citizenry who have to pay this exorbitant fee. I know I am not alone in the country when I say that over 50% of my income is snatched by the taxman BEFORE I ever see it. Also, I pay gas tax, property tax, sales tax, food tax, and other taxes too numerous to name after the government takes its overtly large chunk out of my check. When tax season rolls around, I don't get my money back either, if anything, I am told I am lucky I don't OWE MORE! This is ridiculous. If you live in any state that is doing this or trying to do this, get ahold of everyone and get this shit repealed or overturned. I am not a bad driver, haven't had a ticket in about 12 years, but this is too much. How about we start taxing democrats, since they want taxes raised and hand-holding programs for all the so-called downtrodden of society. That's a tax I could get behind and would have no problem with it being raised every year. Mostly because I am not a democrat. Fuck Tim Kaine, fuck him up his stupid ass and all his liberal lackeys too.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Alec Baldwin Says Cheney Is a Terrorist?

Alec baldwin is a fucking moron. This guy has neither the talent nor the sense god gave the common cabbage moth. The fact he vomits out statements like this, much like his compadres George Clooney and Michael Moore, is a testament to the idiocy that is the liberal cause. If I were Cheney, I would file a suit against Baldwin for slander, defamation of character, and treason. Then I would make sure that fuck never worked again, that the IRS audited him annually, and that he was put on a list someplace so that when the hajis rise up, he is included on the missile strike list. Baldwin is a total nutjob who has no grip on reality and should be shot in the face with a bazooka.

Friday, February 17, 2006

PETA Strikes Again!

PETA tried getting legislation enacted in Virginia to erect markers on a highway where pigs died. Not cops or citizens, pigs. Walking bacon. Living pork chops. These nutjob lunatics believe that the swine that have been killed on the roads should have the same cermonial memorial privilidges given the unlucky people killed on the highways. These PETA fuckwits are apparently not in touch with reality, and should have full lobotomies given to them to prevent any other outbreaks of idiocy from occurring. I will pay for any PETA member to get their brain scrambled, just contact me and we will make arrangements. If you are a PETA person, and want to chat with me about my affinity for shooting woodland animals, let's get together and I will show you my candy cane flavored shotgun with peppermint shotshells.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

The Sinister Plan Of The Liberal

Let's review, Hillary Clinton withheld her associates suicide note for three full days without a press release or notifying her husband, the president because she fely it wasn't the right time and decisions had to be made. She withheld documents and evidence during the whitewater investigations, and she wasn't even holding an office. Now she is saying the bush administration has a pattern of witholding information and they should be ashamed? Hey Hillary, GO FUCK YOURSELF! Shove a splintered broomstick up that rotten, cobweb covered venus flytrap you call a vagina and shut your two faced mouth. The media has also joined the chorus catterwalling over the fact that the VP went to Fox News to release teh information about his hunting accident, and they have been ranting ever since. The so-called 'people's right to know' was taken care of, these whiny liberal fucks are just throwing a hissy fit because they weren't able to throw a bunch of unrelated questions at the VP in some circus like 'press conference'. I hope you 'journalists' get drug resistant gonorrhea and herpes of the eye. Why don't you fucks cover important shit, like the haji's trying to kill us and the constant assault on our way of life by the communist organization, ACLU. While I am on this, why isn't there a big push to unite with other countries to show a solid front against the nutjob haji jihadists that are encroaching on our cultures? The liberals in this country need to wake the fuck up and start ringing the alarm bells because haji is coming. Don't bother coming to me for help, you will be considered 'meat' for my survival when that time comes. Liberals-the vegetable alternative.

Get Your Delicious Iranian Pastries Here

Iran has renamed the Danish, the pastry anyway, to "roses of mohammed". This is the wonderful product they have come up with since they are boycotting and refusing to buy anything from the Danes. Doesn't it look yummy! I know if I were an Iranian I would be buying these as fast as they are being produced! Seriously folks, buy Danish goods. It is a great way to tell these fascist fucks to shove their whiny complaints up their ass with Mobil gas. Buy Danish - Let Freedom Prevail

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Hajis, Liberals, and Hippies. Oh My!

Everyone should be preparing for the upcoming day when the liberals declare that our nation can no longer keep pissing off all of the muslims and that we should all learn through mass-cultural sensitivity training (think RED DAWN camps) that islam is they way we should be living and that speaking out against our 'friends' is bad and we should turn in and punish those who do that. That day, is upon us. Al Gore went to Saudi Arabia, where he spoke out to an exclusively arab audience, that the USA was guilty of offending and mistreating muslims and that he wanted to tell them that most of the USA didn't feel that way toward muslims. Well I am here to tell you that much of the USA recognizes the fact that most of the shitbag hajis that flew planes into the WTC and Pentagon were in fact SAUDIS, and MUSLIMS. The majority of the populace also recognizes the fact that the shitbag hajis over in Iraq and Afghanistan that are causing problems are in fact, MUSLIM and many are also SAUDIs. The fuckheads that blew up the USS Cole were MUSLIMS. The assholes beheading civilians and journalists are MUSLIMS. The fucks that are rioting over cartoons are, get this, MUSLIMS! It should come as a shock that these fucks are imposing their beliefs on the entire world and all of you liberals and peace-nik hippies are following along out of fear and the fact that you don't recognize a real threat. If you liberal fucks think for a second you could get away with the shit you pull in this country in an islamic state, I would bet anything to see the look on your smug face as the hajis cut your tongue out and sever your head from your body then toss it to the kids to play soccer with it. It is incumbent upon every citizen in this country and every freedom loving individual on the planet to stand up to these fascists and tell them to shove their prophet up their ass. These haji fucks need to understand that we are not going to bow to their demands much less give them any say-so over how we live our lives. Our press corp should take that to heart as well, as they will be the first to go should the haji's actually succeed. Our press is more wrapped up in a tizzy over cheney shooting a guy than they are in informing the public that islamic fuckheads are trying to kill us on a daily and ongoing basis. If I ever get elected to the preidency, I wouldn't be halfway through my inaugural speech before the first nuclear missiles impacted the targets in the middle east that are constant problems for the world. I know China would be upset with the fallout in their backyard, but I would give them what was left of Iran as a gift to say sorry about the fallout, have some free oil. Likewise, the Saudis would have similar problems as I would tell them once and only once that the next terrorist act, no matter where, would result in the next nuke landing inside their borders. It is time to take a stand people. Exercise your rights and do not let the liberal hippie haji loving fucks in the ACLU take your freedoms away.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Beheading People Is OK, Mohammed Cartoons Are Not

All I have to say on this has been said in an earlier post of mine and also around the world, but let me clarify again; All of these rioting hajis want to do is come into your home, chop your head off in front of your kids, shove a broken broomstick in your spouses ass, and rape your children. Then they want to burn, bomb, or shred everything our country has built or developed in the last 230 years. They want total control, and nothing short of your heads on pikes will make them stop. These fucks must be met with strong, unwavering, and VIOLENT resistance. I think we should carpet bomb their little marches and riots and rallies. When they are out in the streets firebombing embassies and shooting innocent people that they disagree with, send in the B-2 loaded with haji-shredding bombs and unload right up the middle of their flag burning party. I know you liberal fucks are probably screaming "that is oppressing their freedom of expression!", well suckhead, get this- They don't have those freedoms as their governments control everything they see or hear. This would just shut them up and make their leaders think twice before they incited their people again. The first thing we need to do is shut these fucks down. If tomorrow, Damascus and Tehran were glowing, smoking, vaporized craters in the desert, we would have far fewer problems than we do now. Remember, we are the ONLY country ever, to USE A NUCLEAR BOMB AGAINST AN ENEMY.....and we did it TWICE. The world needs to remember that exact reason is why no one fucked with us during the cold war. The russians knew we would have no reservation on tapping away on the big red button like a crack induced teenager playing nintendo until their entire section of earth was a wasteland. The haji's need to learn that lesson. Nuke these centers of hostility and after our douchebag media gets done blathering about how horrible we are, we can move on with our lives in a more secure world, minus several million lunatic haji's.
If you are a muslim that is offended by the cartoon, the solution is simple. DON'T LOOK AT IT. If you don't like the cartoons posted on sites or in papers, DON'T LOOK AT THEM. If you don't like living someplace where people have the freedom to not like or agree or follow your religion or traditions or culture-MOVE BACK TO HAJILAND OR NUKEHAVISTAN OR HAMASTAN AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY COUNTRY! That includes all of you douchebag ACLU members and liberal fucks who have no fucking spine to stand up against these fascist haji fucks.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Even Pidgeons Hate Katie Couric

There are a few other pictures of this, but she got bird shit all over her arms, and square on top of her liberal fucking head. On live TV. Awesome.

Liberals Are Stupid

So now that the Democrats in Congress have essentially admitted they are a bunch of confused idiots that can't pull their heads out of their asses. They understand that their entire platform is just saying 'NO' for the sake of saying no, and not proposing alternative ideas or anything constructive. They also know that their most prominent figures in their party are fucking hypocritical douches that have no reason to be upset about shit since they are just as guilty of the charges they rant about. NOW, Sen. Boxer is trying to convince cindy shithead,er sheehan, to not run against incumbant Sen. Feinstein. Shithead says that Feinstein needs to be replaced because she voted for the war. I can only imagine the conversation that took place. Something along the lines of sheehan telling the California senator she wasn't liberal enough, and boxer telling sheehan to back off or "We won't like you anymore". This is the behavior that psychos and children display. The solution? Have them suck on my candy cane flavored shotgun.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Obama Takes One In The Keister

Another example of how shitty liberals are, one of their newest hatchlings has decided to try the hillary two-step and it backfired big time. This is the response he got: "I would like to apologize to you for assuming that your private assurances to me regarding your desire to cooperate in our efforts to negotiate bipartisan lobbying reform legislation were sincere. . . . "I'm embarrassed to admit that after all these years in politics I failed to interpret your previous assurances as typical rhetorical gloss . . . "I understand how important the opportunity to lead your party's effort to exploit this issue must seem to a freshman Senator, and I hold no hard feelings over your earlier disingenuousness." -John McCain. Basically, Barack Obama got told to go fuck himself and his liberal handlers. Way to go McCain. I also want to point out that liberals took the appropriate opportunity to badmouth the president at the funeral of coretta king. Apparently, it is how Mrs. King wanted to be remembered, as a platform for liberals to take potshots at the president. Fuck all of those jack-assey fucks who were there saying shit-jimmy carter and that idiot reverend lowery. Fuck all of you idiot people who were applauding their stupid statements. I am also pleased to see that the hotels have finally had enough with the katrina evacuee's and are kicking them out of the hotels that they are continually trashing and refusing to leave. I hope you fucks freeze to death or get hit by traffic. It would help the economy to get all you fucks out of the gene pool as you wouldn't be leeching the resources from working people. Basically-FUCK LIBERALS.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Do You Really See This As A Possible President?

I rest my case. This bitch looks like a total retard. Pardon me, retards have redeeming qualities.

Derk Derk Bakka Lakka Dakka, Mecca Lecca Ha Mecca Hiney Ho

Personally, I love this little cartoon. I think we need to have more of them. I hope the EU finally sticks to it's guns and shits all over these haji fucks trying to take over. Maybe then we can shut them down and make the world a happier place. I guess they are lucky I didn't draw the cartoon, since I would have had this little bastard getting fucked by a pig. I don't give a fuck about all you hippies saying it's a religion of peace and they shouldn't be dismissed as lesser people. You fucks never saw how these fucks live, so shut the fuck up. This being my 100th post, I thought I would make it about something controversial. I think this does the trick.