Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Oh I Love Trash!

This is the best sign I have seen in a long time, I think that it should be posted in Europe, especially France since the haji's love their car-b-cue's and assaulting people. It should also be posted around mosques in North America since we keep arresting all these jihadi fucks around them plotting to kill us. Then have the states issue hunting permits for jihadi's. No limit. Enjoy.

How 'Bout A Waaa Burger and French Cries?

This is a great picture. Award winning. It depicts a frumpy, out of her mind, liberal, bunny-hugging, fuckwit after her peak. Apparently cindy shithead and her publisher got upset at this picture, as they say it portrayed the event as a flop. A failure. A bust. They say it was a huge success. According to them, they had a huge crowd of 100 people. 100 people? That is a single busload. How is it, that a leftwing nutjob who once held the sway of thousands now calls a mere 100 people a huge success? She has lost her gilded image, and the people realized she was nothing more than a spotlight grabber, using the image of her dead kid to gain recognition for her own fucked up ideology. The hens have come home to roost, and they are shitting in her hair.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Fire Arlen Specter.

Sen. Specter has decided that the Judiciary committee has a top priority as does congress, to ensure Terrell Owens of the Eagles gets to play football. The war on terror, the war in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan, corruption in the oil market, corruption in congress, low approval ratings for the republican party, and any other world issue has officially taken a backseat to a millionaire who isn't allowed to play a game. BOO FUCKING HOO!! So fucking what? What is the big deal? He is still getting paid millions to sit at home and watch TV. He still has a contract. He is still employed. Who gives a fuck if he can't play a fucking game this year, it isn't like he was carrying the team. Specter needs to wake the fuck up and realize his job is on the line and that he can be voted out of office for being an asswipe, just like every other congressman or senator. Believe me, they are all deserving of the axe this go 'round as they have all shirked their duties and fucked the whole system up. They decided to go on vacation instead of working, and gave themselves a fucking raise instead of diverting the money toward rebuilding the hurricane zones or helping the deficit. I hate liberals, but I hate inept morons more. i hope they get their act together or I am voting these fucks out of office and moving to the Artic circle. I have written the GOP, and encourage everyone to do the same to express their disgust and anger about this gross misuse of senate time and powers. Fuck Specter.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Stop Whining!

All of you liberal fucks need to shut the fuck up. New Orleans has had tons of cash and aid thrown at it, and all the media reports is how angry the people down there are that they have to actually help clean up their own property. One guy had the nerve to say that the government didn't intend to rebuild the city. If that was the case, his dumb ass would still be in texas, and the businesses that came back would have never set foot in the city. I will help anyone in New Orleans clean up their shit, but I want HALF of their property. If I had a storm damage my shit, I would be expected to do my part as the owner to clean it up. New Orleans has had a long history of sucking on the welfare tit of the country, and not many people down there know how to take care of themselves without the government holding their hand. That is largely the fault of you whiny liberal hand holders. On a similarly disturbing note, George Clooney made a movie bashing the administration, and Angelina Jolie defected to Cambodia. I hope she gets Malaria. Clooney is an idiot, and needs to be kicked in the nuts by a professional soccer player. There is also a huge ordeal going on over christmas in the country, and all you fucks need to get over it. If you don't like christmas, then don't celebrate it. Don't try to pull this reverse discrimination on the people who do celebrate it and say it infringes on your freedoms because it doesn't. Shove a Christmas tree in your urethra and a plastic reindeer in your ass and shut up. Christmas is a FEDERAL holiday, so it is part of the government. END OF STORY. Knock the bullshit off and get a fucking clue. No one cares that you don't like to hear the word christmas, or god, or christmas carols. If it is that painful, you should email me and I will stick my candy cane flavored shotgun barrel into your mouth and give you peace. Fucking liberals.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Sack Congress

These bozo's have had their leprous, grubby, greedy, little dickbeaters in the honey pot long enough. They need to be summarily fired and driven out of office. These fucks decided that not only are they going to postpone voting on important issues (again) but they are also giving themselves a raise and a 2 week vacation. What the fuck? These assholes haven't done anything to deserve a vacation, much less a raise. They constantly argue the stupidest things, call each other names, and stonewall actual work, but they unite and unanimously agree to give themselves more money and time off? The people need to wake the fuck up and police these charlatans responsibly. They are taking advantage of their office and need their balls smacked. I am not saying overthrow the government or anything like that, I am saying remove all these corrupt, inept, idiots and replace them with people who will take the job seriously and get shit done. I would do the job for a third of what they get paid. That would be a sufficient wage and no one would be able to say it was for the money. These assholes don't pay social security either, which is why they won't fix it for the rest of us. Fuck them. Fire them all.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Did We Do That?

Zarqawi just released a statement saying they didn't mean to blow up a muslim wedding party last week, it was an accident. Riiiiiiight. He says that muslims mean more to him and his merry band of camel-fuckers than themselves. That explains it. I guess the thousands of muslims that have been blown into little meatballs by his nutjob jihadis have all been accidents and mistakes. His group kills more innocent people than they kill police or troops. This guy realizes that he has stepped into a hornets nest and is trying to stop any negative feelings in the muslim world since he is reliant on them to stay employed and breathing. This guy is a sick fuck that needs to be skinned alive with a cheese grater and fed to pigs. This guy also must think everyone in the world is stupid (he may be right to an extent) and will buy his lame excuse. Hopefully he will be killed with a white phosphorus grenade stuffed in his ass.

Imagine Whirled Peas.

I think this picture says it all. I like to pretend that it isn't a UNICEF cartoon, but a great idea. I think the UNICEF people inspired the haji's in france to recreate this scene there. The french say the level of violence has returned to normal levels, meaning only 100 cars are torched every night. They are insane and need to be invaded again. Oh wait, the haji's already have. France is going to look like this very soon as the haji's are not going to stop now that they know france has no backbone and no support. The islamic republic of france is right around the bend.

Fire Congress, Hire Monkeys Instead!

Congress shot down a bill that had a number of things wrong with it, like the part where several members wanted to have buildings named after themselves. These egomaniacs need a lesson in humility and a real education in public service. Public service isn't complicated, it is exactly what the title says-public service. Doing what is right and good for the people, not yourself. These ass-clowns are draining our morale, sinking our country with unnecessary rules, andtrying to regulate our lives into servitude. Fuck them. They shouldn't even be paid, it should be a volunteer position that you get a cost of living allowance and that is it. Oh yeah, and while you are in the job, NO campaigning for re-election. If you are doing your job well then you will be asked to continue. If not, then buh-bye. I hope these fucks get voted out and we get 435 new faces in to do some good. I am tired of the antics and shenanigans these idiots are pulling. They haven't done anything except backstab each other and ignore important issues all year, and they complain about decisions they made years ago when it was popular. Try sticking to your guns morons. Fucking nancy pelosi (who looks like someone beat her with a hot bag of nickels) is upset that people don't agree with San Fransisco's decision to ban military recruiters in all of their schools. She maintains that they have the right to that decision. Ok, well as a former military person, I will not lift one finger to help anyone in that town, and I will never visit that city, even if there is a disaster there and I was asked to go help. Fuck them. When pelosi respects other peoples decisions that differ from hers, then I might reconsider, but I think ice water in hell will be an easier thing to get than her being anything other than a raving psycho bitch on wheels. I hope she has a giant ball of frozen airplane sewage hit her in the head. In San Fransisco. On Veterans Day. I would go help then, just so I could take pictures and laugh.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Secret Prisons? We Should Be So Lucky

I mean it. We would do well to have secret prisons. That little rumor that keeps the shitbags in line. The place no one knows about, yet everyone hears about. A place where the good guys get to show the bad guys who runs the show. I would love to work there. I wonder if they are taking applications? Besides, how fucking secret can they be if the media knows all about them? For fucks sake, get over it people. If we are shipping these freaks to secret prisons around the world, don't you think there is a good reason? Don't you feel better knowing that the mystery agency in charge is removing the scum of the earth so you can go about your little life unmolested? You fucking sheep are unappreciative of the efforts made by our government to ensure your safety. You take freedom for for granted because you don't know what oppression means. You should kill yourself and save the social security system that way.

Self Licking Ice Cream Cones

I am depressed. Liberals are running amok. Hajis are being represented by the ACLU against the U.S. government. Congress is full of incompetent morons who don't do their jobs. Little pissant minority groups are causing major strife in the country. Illegal aliens are swarming our major cities and draining our resources. I think we all know what to do. KILL EVERY FUCKING ONE OF THEM. ALL the liberals, illegal aliens, members of the ACLU, every filthy haji trying to harm us, and then we set our sights on putting competent, patriotic, hard-working, straight-up, representatives into our congress so that all this bullshit goes away. This isn't about republicans or democrats, it is about holding people accountable for their actions or inactions. Congress hasn't done their job in 20 years. Fuckhead Kennedy is a two-faced moron who can't do anything except complain and cause problems. All of his counterparts on the left are wrecking the way the country runs by shafting the majority and using double standards. Sen. Reid is about as useful as a jalapeno suppository, and Kerry is still a fucking idiot. I saw yesterday that
there was a 'secret jail' found in Baghdad, by our troops, and that a bunch of torture allegations are now running wild. The picture above, has an Iraqi spokesman holding pictures of alleged torture victims. What the fucks aren't telling anyone is that the pictures he is holding, those same ones, are not tortured iraqis from a secret jail, they are pictures of a dead insurgent who was killed because he was part of a mortar crew launching mortars at a U.S. base in Iraq. He was killed in the act. I know this, because I have had that picture, and pictures of his buddies, for almost a year now and I never handled detainees or prisoners. This scandal is all bullshit. Those pictures are not torture victims, they are shitbag haji jihadists who got shot trying to kill the good guys. Fuck you liberal media and fuck you haji. Most of all, fuck you congress for not giving troops the support you should have been giving from the start. You fucks should have used the constitutional power to declare war and stick with it. You shitbags are spineless. Build a goddamn wall on the border so the illegals have a hard time getting in, start executing enemy combatants that are found guilty, smack these special interest liberal groups with a cease and desist order so normal people can live peacefully and DO YOUR FUCKING JOB. Special 'FUCK YOU' to Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, and Harry Reid-GO FUCK YOURSELVES.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

You Disgust Me. Die!

Our super efficient congress has decided to 'defund' the so-called "bridge to nowhere" in Alaska because they now can't figure out how they ever justified building a multi-million dollar bridge to an island that has less than 50 people living on it. Hmm. I guess they ran out of stupid soup in the congressional cafeteria. I also like how the french riots are still ongoing, but the media is downplaying it by saying things like "less than 300 cars were burned today, less than previous nights" or "only 2 schools got torched, the rioters are losing momentum" NO. Likely, they are running out of things to burn.
The world also decided to back off the issue of the U.S. handing total control of the internet over to the world body, probably because we told the world to go fuck themselves and we will destroy the internet before we turn it over to a bunch of spineless pussies. So, in a stunning compromise, negotiators from over 100 countries decided that they would let the U.S. keep the internet under control, and they would form a forum to address concerns that has no binding authority. Kinda like the U.N. but for the internet. Glad to see the world figured out not to fuck with the guys with their fingers on the button. I am sure the ACLU will sue on the worlds behalf as they will no doubt be peeved that their overlords in Europe have had their peepee's slapped by the U.S. Fuck them, and fuck the ACLU. Fuck the french too. A suggestion for france, try using violence against these fucks, it works. That, or learn arabic.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

And Further More, Speak ENGLISH OR DIE!

Why is there even a fucking debate on this? Kids in schools should be required to speak and LEARN english. I don't give a rats ass if they piggybacked on their daddy's shoulders across the border illegally or not, learn english. Tired of 'la migra' picking you out of a crowd? Learn english. Tired of earning minimum wage for shit work? Learn english. Trying to emigrate to this country to live and work? LEARN ENGLISH MOTHERFUCKERS! Last time I checked, the official language here is english. Learn it. Love it. Speak whatever you want in your own home. In public, speak english. Too easy. Fucking people are all up in arms that we can't teach these foreign kids because of the language barrier. Guess they should be deported then as speaking english is one of the few things asked of people emigrating here. It is a simple thing. Forget about the whole etnic heritage and freedom of expression. I don't want to order a fucking cheeseburger in spanish or any other language when I go to fucking McDonalds. English motherfuckers. English.

Barbara Streisand Needs To Shut Her Mouth

Barbara Streisand is calling for the impeachment of the president because she doesn't think that the Iraq war is legal and that the loss of 2000 service members isn't worth the fight. I guess what she wants is to reinstate a extreme muslim dictator who would kill her jewish ass without a thought, but not before raping her mouth with a group of stinking hajis and shoving a fish hook covered mop handle up her ass while whistling "It's a small world" then setting her on fire and extinguishing her crispy tits with lemon juice. She is a fucking nut and needs to excuse herself from the gene pool. I am sick of hearing these forgotten has-beens rattling off at the mouth to get some publicity. She needs to shut her cock-holster ASAP. Maybe she could snack on my candycane flavored 12 guage. If she only knew half of what goes on in the world she would probably be less mouthy, and would also not be a flaming pinko liberal. As a matter of fact, most liberals are raging idiots, and they will almost always defer to kindergarten tactics when you ask them hard questions. For example- ask a liberal if the people who stayed behind in New Orleans, despite numerous warnings and offers of evacuation, should have to bear the responsibility for their own choices. Go on, ask. After alot of dicking around and blame-gaming the government, they will ultimately call you either an elitist, or a racist. Maybe even an elitist-racist. They just don't get the fact that people who have taken handouts for generations will not do anything for themselves because they don't think that way. It is like a rat who gets cheese when they hit a buzzer-they learn the behaviour and don't change back to searching. Barbara Streisand is a bitch on wheels, and a cunt extraordinaire. I hope she falls and breaks that gigantic nose and her filthy fucking teeth out of her shitsucking mouth. Whore.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Tastes Like......BURNING!!!!!!!

Alright, alright, alright. All of you little mealy-mouthed liberal jackasses need to knock off the cacophony of bullshit and kill yourselves. Don't worry about it, shotguns taste like candy-canes. It is a refreshing blast of minty goodness. Just put the barrel in your mouth and squeeze the trigger. All the best stuff happens when I am sleeping. The islamic republic of france is well on its way to becoming a reality, and possibly even becoming the New Islamo-European Union if it continues to spread throughout europe. Joy. A bunch of little kids saw their first snuff film the other day. Online movie ticket purchase-36 bucks. Cab ride uptown-15 bucks. Popcorn and drinks-26 bucks. Your 6 year old daughter watching her first suicide on a 60 foot screen. Priceless. Too funny, and yet very sad. They should have made it a double feature. The oil companies are defending their highway robbery in Congress today, and I don't think they are going to be affected at all as most of congress is too lazy to actually show up for work much less commit to a vote on anything worthwhile. A bunch of spineless liberals won some gubernatorial races and the world cried. Hopefully, when I wake up from my alcohol induced coma, all of you pinko bleeding heart tree-hugging, hippie, fucks will be dead or in prison. And when I say prison, I mean the Middle East being gang-raped by some stinky haji who will love your accomodating fuckholes. I think I am going to take a trip to europe and start a vigilante excursion/hunting trip on those ungrateful haji's in france. If I were living off the country and not expected to work, I wouldn't be rioting, I would be HAPPY. Unfortunately, I am stuck here with you idiot liberals who are as useful as shit flavored lollypops. Guess I could start celebrating though as the King of all kid-touchers, Michael Jackson is probably going to stay out of the USA for good now. It will be the first party that my new company IWILLHELPYOUPACK.COM will throw after I chuck all of his shit into the ocean tied around his neck. Everyone is invited, and yes, all you liberal fucks can come too because we can throw you in also. I will help you pack, take you to the nearest border, and get you out of this country. FREE. No one has yet taken the offer, but it still stands. Remember to keep the shotgun in front of your face, hippie.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Coming Soon-The Islamic Republic of France!!

I have been pretty fascinated by the news coming out of France these days, organized rioters, Paris burning, rebellion, all with subtle tones of a muslim revolt. Excellent stuff. Of course the french are trying to hold peoples hands while the hajis are torching the city and it is spreading throughout the country. Pretty soon, there will be a real uprising and the french will have no choice but to quash it or go by the wayside. The french should start burning the hajis to death with flamethrowers and napalm. Get them used to hellfire before they go. Also read a funny article about sean "p.dildo" combs getting investigated by the Federal Election Commission for using corporate money for fundraising and profiting from it when he was raising support for john kerry's campaign. I hope he gets fucked and has all his assets frozen. Another great tragedy is this immigration issue, (which I have ranted about before) as now congress is looking at making the "anchor babies" citizenship a thing of the past and effectively building a real obstacle for illegals trying to get in. I think this will drag on til after the elections and then get forgotten about. I think they should open a hunting season on illegal aliens, and issue tags and bag limits. Of course, if you bag a resident alien or naturalized citizen or even a regular citizen you go to prison, but I think that just makes the hunters that much more responsible in their selection. It also sends a nice message to the wetbacks and fence jumpers to stay out of loco gringoville. I have no more patience for these fucks, I am just gonna run them down or shoot them AND their supporters on sight now because they are stealing my air. In short, fuck p.dummy, illegal aliens, and hey frenchy-mekkalekka hi mekka hiney ho! (or whatever the fuckin hajis say)

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Just Shut Your Filthy Mouth, Liberal.

Kanye West said Bush doesn't like black people. 50 Cent says Kanye West is an idiot for thinking that. How does a thug crack dealer figure this out and all of these bitchass liberal fuckwits can't? This guy is a big cockroach and still retains enough brain function to know that a hurricane is something no one can control and therefore bush can't be blamed for it. Some other disturbing items out theremade me sick with rage like the wild and rampant rumors of secret CIA prisons all over the world. Let's explore this-if they were so secret, how did the fucking media find out about them?huh? huh? You liberal fucks have not only hit the very bottom, you have started to dig. What next? Sasquatch leading a deathsquad in Montana? Alien overlords found in a bunker controlling our infrastructure? Give me a fucking break. We should be so lucky to have secret prisons where our people can incarcerate and extract information from the worst creatures on the planet, unabated by international laws and intrusive rights watch organizations. Fuck the red cross and amnesty international, they are in the way and keeping these shitbags afloat with their meddling. The ACLU is also interfering with demands for fucking lawyers for these butchers of babies. Fuck you, ACLU. In short, I hate you liberal idiots. You are wrong on so many levels it is insane. You can't see the forest for the trees because you keep chaining yourself to them in an effort to deprive the country of a renewable resource. Next time I see you driving your shiny new Hummer down I-95 chatting on your cell phone while eating a cheeseburger while you have a "meat is murder" and "everyday is earth day" bumper sticker pasted on your piece of shit cars ass, I am going to throw a bottle through your god damned windshield and hit you in your plastic surgery altered face. Fucking hypocritic liberal assholes.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

I Want To Be Sedated

I was kind of amused when I read the article about a Maryland politician getting pelted by cookies until I read further into the article. Apparently, a black republican is running for a senate seat in Maryland, and a bunch of black Democraps decided to pelt him with oreo cookies and called him an 'Uncle Tom'. Of course they see nothing wrong with this because they are democrats and therefore cannot be racist. BULLSHIT. If it were the other way around and a black democrat got this treatment from black republicans there would be arrests and riots. If I were the guy getting hit with cookies and racial slurs I would be returning fire. With bullets. First of all, these shitbag democrats are saying there is nothing wrong with, and I quote "pointing out the obvious." Is that so? Then I guess that since this black guy is a republican and they pulled his credit report to show how good his credit is, I suppose it is ok to turn the table and "point out the obvious" and say that black democrats are handout taking, welfare sucking, lazy, criminal, good-for-nothings who want the rest of the country to do all the work for them because somewhere in the past a white guy may or may not have enslaved a potential relative of theirs. Whatever. Go fuck yourselves you liberal shitbags. I can think of several black political figures I would not be proud to point to and say they represent me. For example: Jesse Jackson-adulterer, thief, liar, racist. Al Sharpton-bigot,liar, moron. Louis Farrakhan-racist, zealot, liar. All of these guys are shitbags that throw race at everything and foster a welfare society that breeds crime and hate. I know plenty of black people who are professional, smart, and make a ton of cash more than I do and they are republicans and democrats alike. Get a grip people, your political party is just a platform, not an ideology or a way of life. You fucks are almost as bad as the fucking hajis. I'm not sure why I got pissed at this, but I am sure you people are right, especially since your party can't even come up with an idea on its own. Just shut the door and hold your secret meetings and stomp your feet and hold your breath and cry because your party fucked up and is running on empty. Maybe the tree huggers will put a candidate up for election, that would be fun.