Monday, January 30, 2006

Let's Not Split Hairs

Hamas doesn't care if the U.S. or the EU or Russia cuts the aid money to the Palestinian Authority. Hamas doesn't give a fuck if we protest their type of government or if we think they are bad people. Hamas is intent on destroying Israel and then who knows, maybe they will move here. Hamas leaders said they want continued aid money for the palestinians as they need it and would be willing to transparently spend it with whatever oversight necessary. What they aren't telling you, is that if we hold back the money, it wouldn't affect them because they are paid with money from Iran and Syria and haji douchebags living in the west. If this doesn't tie the whole 'axis' thing together, I don't know what will. Maybe when one of these douchebags starts beheading people on television in the town square, you liberal fucks will wake up and decide to sack up and be responsible. I recommend starving these fucks for a year or so, then offer to bring back the money in exchange for all of their weapons. Sell your guns, explosives, RPG's and surrender your terrorist leaders, and the magic money fountain will turn back on. OR......Let Israel have their way with them, and push them into the fucking sea.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Joel Stein Needs To Leave America Permanently

If you have a case of high blood pressure, by all means do not click the title for the article that in my mind, is Joel Stein's (pictured left) desperate plea for an assisted suicide. This little spoiled rich kid liberal douchebag has decided that his god-given right to free speech, which he has never fought for or contributed to the country in any way to preserve, must now be thrust upon the masses via the L.A. Times. This mealy mouthed liberal fuckhead feels that since he doesn't support the troops, the administration, or the war on terror, you shouldn't either. It is little retards like this that make any real American wince and cringe at the mere mention of their presence simply because real Americans know kids like this are nothing but parasites leeching off of others hard work and sacrifices. Shitbag Stein's Op/Ed piece devotes it's prattle to admitting he has never served the country in any capacity, was shit out of his mothers crotch and into money, and has no clue about why the country is at war or why he has the rights he is claiming and using. This idiot has never been oppressed, much less seen oppression unlike the hundreds of thousands of troops that have fought and are fighting wars in other countries. This maggot needs to wake the fuck up and realize that the bigger picture does not include him; he is a parasite that will be reckoned with by those of us he is so eager to scorn. The overwhelming majority in this country understand that there are people trying to kill us, anywhere they can, including here in America. I extend my offer to shitbag Joel Stein, to take you to the nearest border and remove you from this country that I fought for, since you do not appreciate it or the freedoms you have been given by people like me. If you feel like voicing your disgust as I will be, direct your bile at the L.A. Times and let's have this douchebag fired. I hope the haji's avoid L.A., not because I wouldn't like to see Stein covered in smallpox, but because he would be the first shitmouthed liberal fuck demanding military protection and action and I would have to refuse to help him. I would be happy to end his misery though if I thought he were worth the cost of a bullet. He is not. I hope he dies of Syphilis and rots in an open drainage culvert in the desert. Fuck Joel Stein and the L.A. Times.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Ted Kennedy Should Be Removed From Office.

And INCARCERATED. It's time for the GOP to stand up and remind America why this chief spokesman had to abandon his own presidential bid in 1980 - time to say the words "Mary Jo Kopechne" out loud. As is often the case, Republicans have deluded themselves into thinking that most Americans already know the story of how this "Conscience of the Democratic Party" left Miss Kopechne behind to die in the waters underneath the Edgartown Bridge in July 1969, after he plowed through the guard rail on the bridge because he was ,get this, INTOXICATED after a night of drinking and partying with the young blonde campaign worker while he was married. But most Americans under 40 have never heard that story, or details of how Kennedy swam to safety, then tried to get his cousin Joe Garghan to say he was behind the wheel. Those young voters don't know how Miss Kopechne, trapped inside Kennedy's Oldsmobile, gasped for air until she finally died, while the Democrats' leading Iraq war critic rushed back to his compound to formulate the best alibi he could think of. Neither does Generation X know how Kennedy was thrown out of Harvard on his ear 15 years earlier -- for paying a fellow student to take his Spanish final. Or why the US Army denied him a commission because he cheated on tests. As they listen to the Democrats' "Liberal Lion" accuse President Bush of "telling lie after lie after lie" to get America to go to war in Iraq, young voters don't know about that notorious 1991 Easter weekend in Palm Beach when Uncle Teddy rounded up his nephews for a night on the town, an evening that ended with one of them credibly accused of rape. It's time for Republicans to state unabashedly that they will no longer "go along with the gag" when it comes to Uncle Ted's rants about deception and moral turpitude inside the Bush White House and if the Republicans don't, let's do it ourselves by passing this forgotten disgrace around the cell block like a peace pipe to wake up memories of what a fraud and fake Teddy really is. The Democratic Party should be ashamed to have the national disgrace from the Socialist Republic of Massachusetts as their spokesman. Basically, you liberal fucks have a lying, cheating, murdering, adulterer as your prime example of the quality representation that the Democratic party has to offer this country. You liberals are fucking idiots.

Bomb, Bomb, Bomb. Bomb, Bomb, Iran.

This is what I would like to see on the news for Fuckhead Iranian president Mahmoud AhmadinJIHAD on his birthday. Something along the lines of an old Looney Toons episode, where he gets a present and he is all surprised, pulls the ribbon and BOOM! That would be swell. This picture had a caption 'Suicide Bomber reacts poorly to surprise birthday party', and I thought that was an awesome caption, but definitely need to apply some other uses of explosives to Iran. These radical isolationist fucks need to be eradicated like a termite infestation. Gas the whole fucking nest and then plant some flowers. Ever since 1979, these assholes have been causing problems throughout the whole world, either funding little haji terrorists to blow up something, or shoot a missile into a shopping mall, they have been behind most of this shit. They even have a large part of the Al Qaeda leadership squirreled away in seclusion under guard so they aren't messed with, all as guests of the state. That alone should be bringing a rain of daisy cutters, satellite guided missiles and carpet bombing all over the country, simply because that is why the Taliban got smashed. They harbored terrorists, refused to give them up, so we took their asses out. Simple. Once we start recognizing that these fucks aren't going to accept anything other than a nuclear deterrent in their ass to stop the shenanigans, we will be better off. If I were in charge, we would be carpet bombing Tehran with nukes until we ran out. The attack would start as soon as I took office too. My first official act, Nuking Iran. My second, a 3 week vacation. Of course, I am sure all you liberals would rather give the iranians a big hug so they would know we care about them. I am sure that would work. Try that on one of those insurgents wearing a bomb vest. I bet it would change his mind, all he needed was a hug. Hopefully, when the rest of the military gets back from Iraq and Afghanistan, they will start kicking all of your hippy liberal tree hugging asses for being shitbags while they were away. I know I am looking forward to it.Fuckers.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

It's The Apocolypse People, Grab A Seat And Watch.

So a new season of american idol started a scant 40 minutes ago and I am already looking for a can of oven cleaner to spray into my eyes and gouge my eardrums out with a potato peeler. I really just don't understand why the masses of idiots watch, much less try to emulate or participate, in this tired, pathetic, horrible display of insanity that is the show. I really have a hard time imagining a good reason to subject people to this kind of torture. All the hippies and liberal shitbags get riled up when a soldier plays a Whitesnake cd too loud around a haji in prison, but I have to deal with an entire season of meatheads attempting to become some performer in Hollywood? I think not. I would rather be castrated with a sledgehammer that has a chipped end and swung by a blind man than sit through even 30 seconds of this shitty excuse for entertainment. The term entertainment would imply that one is entertained by this. I am definitely not. I am disgusted that so many simpletons are drawn like moths to the flame to this gut wrenching display of retards and talentless half-breeds and inbred trailer trash that flocks to the show anytime it is on. This show's existence is the most compelling evidence that the devil is walking the earth and the end is nigh. I have seen the devil, his name is Ryan Seacrest. Someone drive a stake through his heart and help the world out of the most dire of times.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Where Was The MSM On This One?

Apparently, the mainstream media only covers idiot hollywood actors and actresses. I don't give a fuck about Paris Hilton's giant vagina or Lindsay Lohan using cocaine and barfing to lose weight. I don't care if Anjelina Jolie picked up another kid at the store on the way home from work. The thing is, if I am going to have all the bullshit rammed down my throat by the so-called "serious media" I want the stories of substance to go along with the shit. The media failed to publicize Denzel Washington visiting wounded troops recently in Texas. Denzel is what is known as a 'real' person and doesn't have alot of personal problems and stays relatively low-profile. Just like the average person in this country. What makes Denzel's visit so special, is that while he was touring the facilities, he asked about the "fisher houses" which are basically hotels for the troops and their families. He asked how much they cost and his military escort told him. Denzel then wrote a check for the full amount of a new house and gave it to the liason. Did the mainstream media run this story? NO! It didn't even make page 3 in the local paper. The MSM needs to get over their little prejudice about the troops or the war or the current administration and balance out the fucking news. The media fucks should all be sent to China or Iran if they want to toe the party line and run bullshit stories. Americans deserve better than the idiotic drivel these hacks spew out. Fuck the media, especially CNN, the Communist News Network.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Let Me Get This Straight

Fill in the caption. I bet your response would be tamer than what these two bumbling assholes have been dishing out to nominee Alito. Because they can't attack him professionally, they have resorted to grandstanding and long winded tirades about how much they don't like Alito. Basically, they have decided to waste their time berating some schmuck who just wants to go to work, and they could be working on more important issues. Like TAXES. BORDER SECURITY. TERRORISM. I guess they aren't terribly concerned about the haji's already in the country plotting to kill us while we be-bop along like sheep. This picture needs no caption, but I will give a few: "Ted, Call him a pompous douchebag", "Hey Pat,his wife has nice tits", "Hey Teddy,what time is happy hour at the Capital Grill over?", "Did you just shit yourself Ted?" There you go, a good start for a great picture of two shitbag senators who should have been removed from existence long ago. Send your captions, if you dare.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Don't You Realize You're Already Dead?

All of you liberal pansies are running around decrying anything and everything the government is doing because you are whiny, hand-holding, bitchy, sore losers. You don't endorse anything unless it is everyone but you giving to anyone that doesn't deserve. If that confused you, it is because you are a liberal. I will translate, my paycheck is not for anyone but me. I do not and will never give money that I work for to some worthless piece of shit who rides the government gravy train called welfare and refuses to get off their fat, crack smoking, kid-shitting, ass and go earn a fucking living. I don't give a fuck if their babies daddy never came home after their night of back alley grinding. Not my fucking problem. People in third world countries don't seem to have any problems getting into this country and draining our resources paid for by my taxes, therefore, I have no problem keeping the money I make for my own needs. I don't care if an earthquake flattens an overpopulated corner of Haji-land because it reduces the number of fanatics who hate us and want us dead. The media have been irresponsible in reporting the efforts and successes we have had fighting these fanatical fucks. The link will give you more details, but in a nutshell, the media in this country don't care if anyone here gets gassed or infected with a biological warfare agent or if a nuke vaporizes a city because they hate the government and they want to be the ones with the exclusive story on how despite the best efforts, people died anyway. Wake up people, the media is out to get you, and they will have no reservation to interview the haji fuck claiming responsibility for killing anyone in this country. When you see Anderson Cooper or that midget fuck Wolf Blitzer standing in what used to be Downtown, showing images of blown apart Americans you will understand that you could have stopped these fucks long ago and let the people who know do their jobs. People here need to remember that they are the target, not soldiers, but the people the soldiers protect. Don't even come to me when it happens as I shoot first and will be using you for meat.

Friday, January 06, 2006

An Example To Follow

The guy without pants has just been blown up by a shitbag insurgent who set a trap for a U.S. Marine/soldier. This guy has been disposing of roadside bombs and ordnance in Iraq and has done a couple tours. He realized at the last second that he had been suckered into the trap. The haji detonated the bomb and launched this guy into orbit. He thought he was dead. Everyone thought he was dead. When they rushed to his aid, checked him out, and realized he wasn't dead, still had his legs, and was able to walk, (after cutting his pants off to perform first aid) he stood up, walked to the ambulance, and gave the haji's the international gesture of defiance. The one finger salute, the bird, the ole' sit n' spin. I would like to pass it on, and reiterate, FUCK YOU HAJI!!!!! I am sure this guy would also like to include every tree hugging cowardly, shitbag liberal in this country so FUCK YOU TOO!

Apparently, Liberals Can't Do Math Either

This is probably why Louisiana got fucked so badly, the state government can't do simple math or plan for a disaster. The source is an AP article, and reads "NEW ORLEANS -- Gov. Kathleen Blanco complained on Thursday that Louisiana is not getting its fair share of hurricane aid from the federal government.Blanco said that Louisiana suffered 70 percent of the damage caused by Hurricane Katrina but that it is not getting an equivalent amount in aid."We are all American citizens, we cannot allow ourselves to be treated like second-class citizens,"the governor said during an update on rebuilding tothe New Orleans city council.Sam Jones, Blanco's deputy director of community programs, pointed out that Louisiana got only $6.2billion out of $11.5 billion in Community Development Block Grants that were recently approved by Congress and President Bush."
Now, I am not a brilliant mathematician, but 6.2 billion subtracted from 11.5 billion is well over half of the money allotted to these grants. I would hazard a guess here and say that for a state that supposedly took "over 70 percent" of the damage, they are getting more than half of the money set aside for restoration. Mathematically, that means they have a greater share than the rest. In common terms, the lion's share. In reality, Gov. Blanco and her staff are fucking morons and to hold the position of Governor, you should be able to do simple fucking third grade math. Fuck you liberal idiots. Shut up, and get off your asses and help rebuild the state and stop waiting for the rest of the country to do it for you. Assholes.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

When Are We Going To Hold Journalists Accountable?

While this idea is a novel concept, far to few times has the action been taken to hold liberal journalistic scumbags accountable for their irresponsibilities in their jobs. The latest example are the shitbags responsible for running a story about the 12 surviving miners in West Virginia without verifying the facts or even checking the reliability of the information. As a result, the families and the country were misled to believe the majority of the trapped miners had survived when the contrary was true. The NY Times web page even kept the wrong headline and story 41 hours after the real facts were presented. I want to know when these irresponsible fucks from the writer on up to the editorial staff are being fired for publishing patently false information. The NY Times already has a reputation of hiring writers who make shit up, so I guess this isn't much of a stretch for those morons. We as a people should be sacking these offices and rooting out the idiots who are hiding there, sniping good people and spreading malicious and false stories. Kill them all and call it a day.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Hey Liberals, Shut Your Suckholes!

You see, the people that were elected into the White house are doing their jobs. the jobs Americans voted them to do. Protect us. Apparently, you liberal fucks don't have a clue as to what that entails because you are busy butt-fucking each other and whining about perceived intrusions on a so-called right to privacy that to date, no example of a violation has been found. The link has Cheney defending the actions taken by the administration over the NSA wiretaps. First, he shouldn't have to defend anything, much less to you weasely, whiny, cowardly liberal fuckheads. Second, they haven't done anything wrong, so shut the fuck up already. Your liberal cohorts have yet to wow anyone with any solution or even bring a half-ass idea to the table so go fuck yourselves and shut up. When we need insight on how to make some granola eating, tree-hugging, animal rights believing shitbag feels about their safety, we will call you. Until then, stay the fuck out of the way and keep quiet. The whole country is tired of hearing liberals bitch about everything. They even bitch about shit they wanted and got. Definitely need to kick the U.N. and the ACLU out of the country. Go to some middle eastern country and fight the government there for those peoples rights, we have plenty now, so go even out the rest of the world. You fucks don't know what freedom is because you have never fought for it nor have you had it taken from you so shut up and kill yourselves. This goes for you liberal media fucks too.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Can You Smell What's Cookin'?

It's what's for dinner. I can hardly wait for the indictments to come out bringing charges to all the ivory tower liberal fucks in congress like Reid, Pelosi, Kennedy, and the rest of the turncoat crew. Now that Abramoff has plead guilty, he will no doubt start dragging these worthless excuses for elected officials into the light and get them roasted the way they deserve. I like my shitbag 'well done'. I know there will be alot of republicans brought down too, and I encourage it. It is time we cleaned 'house' so to speak. Get them out of office so the country can run again. No more bullshit. The only quagmire we are in is the one in D.C. and it is called congress. Liberals take note of this poster and stay at home you worthless fucks so justice can be done.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year, Now Let's Do It Right

Let's start by removing the democrats from office, and the haji's from the earth. Wait, Let's just pound the haji's into submission by carpet bombing their countries with nukes,and remove the democrats from the earth. Also, is it Christmahanakwanzakah or kwanzhanamas or festivus? Fuck it, give me some peace and kill yourselves so it will be quiet around here. The nice thing about the holiday season in D.C. was the total lack of traffic on the road, it was almost scary having no traffic during rush hours. It was great, no yelling at some dumb bimbo applying makeup with a spackling tool and reading her text messages on her blackberry while drifting into my lane. No idiot reading the paper on his way in doing 70 down an off-ramp. Can't you idiots stay home from now on? Let's make it a year to relax and I won't have to murder you. Have a great year dodging bullets and morons everyone, I doubt you will make it through unscathed.