Wednesday, June 29, 2005

YES! YES! YES! Common Sense At Last!!

Click the title for a bitchin' story of how a man with vision and a healthy sense of right has decided to shove the recent eminent domain ruling UP THE SUPREME COURTS ASS! Specifically, Justice Souter who ruled in favor of the eminent domain case to take private homes away from people and replace it with a private business. Now the guy who is spearheading this project is using Souter's own ruling against him, by lobbying for eminent domain action on Souter's own property!!!!!!!!!! SWEET JUSTICE! I hope he prevails. I will spend a week a year in his hotel if he builds it. I will personally contribute whatever I can to make it so. This post and link are simple meager offerings to the masses who skim through here and I hope they pass on the word. America, FUCK YEAH!

Someone Tell Me They Were Kidding.......

This is the correct response to the asshole liberal media shitbags that feel it's necessary to get riled up over something that was said over a quarter century ago by people who are now dead, specifically that Nixon called ms. gandhi an "old witch". Of course, she was a communist ally and sympathizer and we don't like commies. Seemed a logical choice of words. I would have used alot more colorful and creative vulgarity and more than a few culturally targeted epithets, but I wasn't president then and Nixon had manners.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

The Secret Is In The Final Solution.

(Not THAT Final Solution, You Racist Fuck) Once they perfect the solution for people, we will have a pretty good way of preserving victims of violent crimes and accidents that would otherwise die. (click title for link) Now PETA is jumping up and down because the lab uses dogs for the experiment, and that they feel it is cruel. Well let's examine the basics. The lab kills dogs, drains their blood, refills them with a icy salt solution, (it's more than that actually, but basically ok) then after a few hours, replaces the blood and a quick zap to jump start and voila, doggy is back to life. Of course it doesn't always work which is why they aren't testing on people yet. Now let's look at the methods PETA uses. They execute the dogs, put them in trash bags, and illegally dump the corpses into shopping center dumpsters. I understand why PETA is angry as they probably wanted to be the ones to bring the pooches back to life and got beaten to the punch. Better luck next time fuckers. I can't wait to see the successes of this procedure when it saves someones life in the future and these PETA fucks are excluded because they were against it.

That's It. You, Out Of The Gene Pool!

I decided I am going to start stockpiling weapons and ammunition because people have pissed me off beyond my limits. Between the ineffective "officials" running the various levels of government to the idiot foreigner who can't operate a motor vehicle and is here illegally on my dime, to the fact that no one seems to care that there are people trying to kill us on a daily basis but let's hold hands and play nice-nice and maybe they will go away. I can no longer take it, and I think being cut down in a hail of gunfire is looking better and better everyday. Last night a group of pinheads burst into a peaceful recruiting meeting for the minuteman project and several were arrested. What the minuteman project is (and I AM familiar with it), is a group of citizens wo got tired of finding illegal aliens in their homes, or border patrol agents driving through their yards and decided to band together and sit on the border as a visible deterrent to the flow of human waste that streams across the border everyday. They don't harm people, but will defend themselves, and they are largely effective as illegals don't want to be caught and seek easier crossing points where the minutemen are not at. Now the protesters in New Jersey no doubt have a good idea what it's like to deal with illegal immigrants otherwise why would they protest the people trying to keep them out? BULLSHIT. These idiots are the same liberal fuckheads who believe our government should foot the bill in the form of taxes for all these parasites as they drain our infrastructure of resources. The residents of New Jersey have not had their hospitals crippled with overwhelming debt because the illegals go there and get treatment for everything and don't pay. Their schools likewise are not getting bankrupted and besieged by bilingual requirements and resources divided among illegal kids and citizens. Fuck these people. Illegal aliens are parasites, PERIOD! The protesters should be lined up on a cliff edge and shot in the groin with rock salt until they fall off and into a pile of spider infested detritus. Fuck them all. When you all realize your country is no longer your own, don't come to me for help or protection because at that point you are one thing to me-meat for the grill.

I Fixed It. It Will Never Work Again!

I figured out what happened while watching the news yesterday. I can't believe it was there all along and no one figured it out! Civil Rights Lawyers!!!!! These are the real enemies of the state! They have the appearance of a real lawyer, in the sense that they say they are representing you for your own good, when in fact they only represent MINORITIES!!!! I'm not talking minorities as in micronesians or blacks or hispanics. I am talking any group smaller than another. Apparently, and I just now found out, that the Bill Of Rights was written to protect minorities! The civil rights lawyer, and I will go ahead and name the shitbag, Christopher Murray said that was what the Bill Of Rights was written for. I guess being in a majority means that my rights are not as important as those in a minority because there are more of those like me and less of those that aren't. Last I checked there was only ONE of me, and several millions of you fuckers. Where these vultures have gone wrong is that the Bill Of Rights was written to protect ALL people in the United States, not just the minorities. It was written so that the rights of a minority could not be trampled by a majority but doesn't give power to either as they are considered equal. So if ahmed wants to go to a mosque and moisha wants to go to a synagogue and billie ray wants to bite the head off a dove in the pursuit of their individual religions, they can as long as they don't impose it on other people. Now that we have that cleared up, let's address the recent supreme court fiasco where they demonstrated yet again that senility is a requirement for the job. they voted 5-4 that the ten commandments had to be removed from 2 kentucky courts but could stay in a texas state house. WHAT THE FUCK? This country was founded with christianity, yet embraced all religions. The ten commandments was a basis of law before there was law. That is what religion started as. ALL RELIGIONS started as a basis of conduct-rule of law. They go hand in hand with modern law as that is where most laws came from. Not exclusively christianity, but religion. Hammurabi developed a system of law as a way of conduct, and that helped curb reckless abandon and disregard for people from each other. It is no different than islam or judaism or christianity. It is simply stupid to separate modern law and religion when they are essentially the same things. Christopher Murray should go back to school as he apparently only graduated law school with a "d" average. I bet the ACLU put him through school too. Fuck him, the supreme court, (except Scalia who still has a brain) and the ACLU, and anyone who thinks they are entitled to more than anyone else because they are a minority. Democracy=Majority rules, and when a minority rules the majority it's called dictatorship. If you want that, leave America.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Double Secret Double Standards!

When women decided back in the 60's that they wanted to be treated equally, they burned their bra's and marched and protested and fought the establishment to get what they wanted. They got what they wanted, now they hold office, vote, run corporations, fight in the military, and do pretty much whatever the fuck they want. So why is it that when I don't open a door for one of these females, I get castigated and bitched out because I am treating you like I treat any other person? What makes you women so fucking special that you think you deserve equal treatment AND special treatment? Can it be that you feel that because you have a vagina and therefore can shit a kid that somehow entitles you to special above and beyond equal treatment? GET REAL! Women had that treatment when they were supposedly "repressed" and not treated equally. Nowadays, I get my balls stepped on by some snobby stuck up bitch on wheels who feels that her vagina would create sunshine if she wanted and thereby entitles her to get benefits above what she is otherwise able to get simply because of her being female. "I have cramps so I need the week off and you can't hold it against me" or "I get special parking because I'm pregnant". Fuck that shit. You can't have it both ways. The news is making a huge deal out of the 3 female marines that got blown up over the weekend. WHY? How are they any more special than anyone of our other troops over there getting blown up? Because they have tits? Fuck that. They are equally important as any other troop there. PERIOD. These feminist stormtroopers are full of shit and need to get pole-fucked by a fishhook studded closet rod and left to die. Better yet, deport their cobweb covered crusty vaginas to the middle east and see how they like a real oppressed society where women are worth less than a goat and are treated as property. ENJOY BITCHES! When you finally figure out that all of this is your fault it will be a true sign of the apocolypse. You bitched and moaned and cried and complained and got what you wanted, now shut the fuck up and open your own god damned door and buy your own god damned dinner! On a side note, there are plenty of modern day women who this does NOT apply to, and to you few females out there, I thank you for not being oozy whores that make people want to murder you when you open your mouth to speak. The rest of you.......I hope your tits fall off and you become incontinent wrinkly hags with hemorrhoids and gonorrhea.

I Am VERY Tolerant. I Just Don't Like You.

While I am at it, the shitheads who are bitching about the christian group taking bibles into Iraq need to go down to their local drug store/walmart/CVS and buy themselves a fucking clue. It's in the same aisle as common sense, brains, and logic. So many social retards out there. I have been to IRAQ and there are, get this, CHRISTIANS LIVING THERE. Yes it is true, there are christians living in Iraq, whole communities of them. They even have churches there. So why on earth would it be a big deal to take a fucking bible into a country with an established christian population?!?!?!?!?! You fucking simpletons. I hope some ultra-right wing fascist jams a koran up your ass and a bible in your urethra while fucking your mouth with a dirty toilet plunger. Get a clue and stop putting your nose in other people's business especially when you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. I bet your life dream is to run the ACLU California chapter you half-wit pinko hippie shitbag. I am sick of you people. Gonna go clean my guns now so they are more efficient in splattering your granola filled skull across the hood of your beemer.

Why Do I Drink? Because I Hate You.

Seriously, I fucking HATE all of you. There are more idiots running around than there are rats or roaches, and there aren't enough nukes to kill you all. Check this out- Jefferson Davis Middle School in Palm Beach County, Fla., will soon change its name to one considered less "divisive" by some members of the community, reports the Palm Beach Post.
The idea of children, especially black children, attending a school whose namesake fought on the wrong side of the Civil War is unacceptable to some. They want it renamed Palm Springs Middle School."I don't think we should name a school after Adolf Hitler," said school board member Debra Robinson, who is black. "It's really at that level with Jeff Davis. I don't think we should name schools for anybody that represents intolerance or straight-up hatred." WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?! Debra Robinson, who is black, needs to leave this country and take anyone else who was offended by Jefferson Davis' name with her. Jefferson Davis, who was a PRESIDENT of the confederacy and a great forward thinker , owned slaves. SO FUCKING WHAT! It was not the white founding fathers or any other white person who sold them into slavery-it was other BLACK PEOPLE in Africa from other tribes. That is fact, so shut your whiny bitch-ass cock recepticle, Mrs. Robinson. What was the wrong side of the Civil War? Both sides had their beliefs, the north won the fight when the south surrendered. It is the winning side that tells the story in history, not the loser. It is disgusting how this country cowers when a minority complains. My high school mascot, Johnny Reb, was removed because 5 black kids didn't like it. 5 out of 1500. Did the faculty back it up? NO, they didn't want to be labeled "racists" by these fucks. Did we forget about history? Just because a historical event wasn't sunshine and candycanes doesn't mean we can't embrace it and celebrate it. Learn from history or be doomed to repeat it. There is a memorial in old town Alexandria dedicated to the fallen confederate soldiers of the civil war. You know, the ones who owned slaves? I am shocked it still stands. I am not proud of what white people have done in the past, but that doesn't mean white people should be punished now. If we give in to anyone who starts claiming reparations, we (Americans) will have no country left. Spain will want its share back, Mexico, France, England, all will follow. Give it up! You got your ass kicked, conquered, and occupied, it is now ours. Accept the fact that history can't be undone, rewritten, or changed and move on. If you don't like it, Africa has lots of room, move out of the ghetto project or shut your mouth. There are millions of black americans in this country who think things are pretty good and don't get upset when a school or building is named after a former president or other historical founding member of this country. They understand that bad things happened in the past and that things are significantly different now. So for the few who like to rattle the chains of the past and cry about it, I hope you contract the ebola virus and you shit your guts out of your eyes.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Chest....tight.....need..........scotch. waiter! *gasp* where....are my.....pants?......*wheeze* must get........drink........*glug* Posted by Hello

Today's Show Is Brought To You By The Letter "D".

Nancy Pelosi said that the Iraq war was a "grotesque mistake". I for one, think her parents not drowning her in a plastic bucket when she was born was a grotesque mistake. What a shitbag she is. My favorite alcoholic, Teddy "'nother ssscahtch"kennedy grilled rumsfeld over the Iraq war yesterday and said "in baseball you get three strikes, how many does the secretary of defense get?" To be certain, mistakes have been made, and will continue, but Kennedy is obviously out of his mind to compare a corrupted corporationalized game to a transnational conflict much less how it's run when he himself has not contributed anything to this country other than embarrassment and alot of shame on his family. I hear from people from Massachusetts that he is an excellent Senator. Really? Then why are you people STILL working on that horrendous highway tunnel project? What's it been, 15 years? How much over budget is it now? When was the last nationally signifigant contribution kennedy has made? He has managed to sit in the senate and suck the life out of that state for far too long. He killed a girl, and heaven only knows what else, and he has the audacity to go after a person who is doing his job the best way he knows? FUCK HIM! Kennedy should have been eliminated decades ago, or even at a minimum, after he drove off the bridge and killed that chick because he was drunk as usual. The Senators from NY, CT,and NJ all wrote a letter to Karl Rove telling him his speech was "a slap in the face to the unity that America achieved after Sept. 11th" when he said democrats were soft on terrorism. Well I got news for those fuckstick senators, the nation is no longer unified because your liberal hippie supporters keep eroding public support for the government and for the war, so stop fucking your secretaries (that includes you, Hillary) and wasting tax payers dollars and get your heads out of your asses and do your fucking jobs. The people of this country should rise up and return the government to its former glory where politicians were NOT PAID and had to do side jobs for sustinence and had to represent the people, not some special interest group that contributed(bribed) to them. Remove the money and it fixes the system. Senators should NOT be paid, nor should Representatives. The President also should be an unpaid position, as I believe that would return the political focus on improving the country and not their individual bank accounts. I blame special interest groups, the media, the democratic party(mostly cuz they can dish it out and cant take it), Liberals and the people who love them, and Nancy Pelosi's parents. (for not drowning her) On a side note:The next time one of you non-driving middle eastern haji fuckwits cuts me off or drives 20 miles under the speed limit and gets in my way, I am throwing whatever I have handy (tomahawk) out my window and into your filthy, stinking, rag -wrapped skull you stupid fucking piece of shit.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

I Think This Is Hilarious!!! Posted by Hello

A Poll!!!!!

How should convicted terrorists be dealt with?
Hung by scrotum with piano wire and used as a "pinata"
Fed to starving dogs
Stuffed into a gutted pig and dropped via bomber into a terrorist camp
Given a drano enema with a fire hose
Incarcerated in a tax payer funded federal prison(liberal scum answer)
Free polls from

Would You Allow A Criminal To Live In Your Home?

Most people would say no to that, however the National Council for La Raza, (the largest hispanic gang in the country) has championed illegal aliens for a long time simply because they are largely hispanic. There are a number of referendums aimed at making illegal aliens lives in the U.S. more difficult with the focus on deporting these leeches of society being the goal. People are simply tired of watching their own kids get pushed aside and denied the benefits our society offers because we are going bankrupt providing healthcare, education, jobs, and making up for the social security they don't contribute because they are not getting taxed for it. If these douchebags would follow the protocol to become citizens we wouldn't have a problem. Instead, we wait until there are so many of these parasites in the country we have no choice but to grant amnesty to them and start over. Before you say "no way" it has happened before, at least twice in my lifetime. Why should my taxes go to pay a bill of some illegal who broke his ankle running from the cops ? Why should we foot the bill for some illegal alien shitting out a kid on our soil. The loophole needs to close. These parasites exploit it all the time, they cross into the country illegally and ready to drop, crap out a bastard who because it was born on U.S. soil is now a citizen, and because they are the mother get to stay by proxy. 2 parasites for one crossing! Inconceiveable! So now that people are tired of it, the ol' liberal fuckmachine has come out sayin we need to be more accepting and helpful. Bullshit. We need to help out our own people and then we can see about who deserves the help after that. No more handouts for these parasites. I totally agree that there should be a migrant worker system, where they are taxed, and screened,and able to get limited benefits that they contribute to, but to keep throwing more money into the human cesspool of illegal aliens need to stop. If you think I have too extreme of a view, you can go live near a border and when a group of illegals breaks into your home, rapes your daughter/wife/you and steals your car after robbing you, you can know that somewhere I will be laughing at your dumb ass saying I TOLD YOU SO. Grow a brain and get some sense. These fucks don't care about our country, our laws, or us. They only care about themselves. Rights groups for these vermin need to address a new and worthy cause instead of the tax dollar toilet they run. Another option for your consideration-let the illegals live with those who want to let them in. They can provide the health care, and other costs, as well as make up for the chunk of social security they don't contribute. That is a great idea. Let the liberal idiots who champion illegals rights(which they have none) take them in and care for them out of their own pocket. Then we would see how long this was an issue. Fuck illegal -wetback- fence- jumping -border- hopping -beach -storming -tire -raft -floating- illegal aliens and their advocates.

Because I Am Hard, You Will Not Like Me!

Ok. All you simpering, whiny, liberal, gene pool polluting, bitch-ass, parents that are trying to block military recruiters from talking to your kids at schools need to jump into a sewage treatment tank and leave things alone. First of all, this whole "not my kid" attitude only serves one purpose, and that is it undermines the ability to defend our country. Second, it teaches your kids one thing-Mom and Dad are unpatriotic pussies. Third, recruiters have been in schools for decades, so the fact that we are at war should not make this a surprise or an issue. I served, hell, I still serve.(til August,then I am out) I had a great time (usually) and will look back on my 10+ years with pride and know I did a service to my country and my countrymen. I get thank yous from people who genuinely appreciate the time and effort I put into doing a job not many are willing to do. I appreciate the sentiments, but I would rather people either serve or if they are not able, do some kind of civic service instead. If people did even 2 years of civic service we would not have the divisive problems we have now and we would have a stronger country because there would be people involved and invested in it. All of you scumbag cowards out there need to grow a spine and do the right thing and contribute to your country. If you are one of those crybaby parents who refuse to let your kid talk to a recruiter and make their own decision, you should kill yourselves. When my kid is old enough to join, I am inviting recruiters over and I am letting her make her own decision. If she decides it isn't for her, fine, she can do something else like intern in congress or do law enforcement, etc. Something that helps out. What I won't do, is let some leftist pinko cowardly tree hugging hippie liberal convince her that military service is wrong or bad or otherwise detrimental to her. It simply is not. Anyone who wishes to discuss a dissenting view of this can come on over, I have your noose ready and your shallow grave dug. You will get a fair trial of your peers, and when they find you guilty of treason you will be hung until you are almost dead and then buried alive. When you are alone in the darkness of the grave, the distant singing you'll hear is me dancing on your unmarked grave. Sleep tight you cowards because brave men and women allow you to. As a side note, it should also be mandatory that service age children of public officials should be required to serve in the military. Why these bastards feel they are above civic duty is beyond me,they put pants on the same way I do. Fuckers.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Time To Chlorinate The Gene Pool

My last post made mention of the gene pool, and I read a few things that make me want to dump a massive amount of chlorine into it and clean it out. Let's start of with NANCY PELOSI who feels it is necessary to make yet another committee, though have it be public and not classified, on Gitmo. Why? Because she is a fucking idiot who should pay attention to the activities in congress and stop sucking off the shitbag anti-american liberal fucksticks she panders to. The committee already in place is classified because it involves national security. Remember that? The whole security issue that keeps everyone tucked into bed at night and keeps the bad man away? Apparently pelosi wants to broadcast all the information we have compiled on the way terrorist shitbags work and the intel we have that makes it possible for us to give them hellfire missile enemas and let the whole world know it. With any luck, every constituent and voter in her state will vote her out of office and elect someone with half a brain as it will be a drastic improvement. Let's not forget some of her closest friends who feel the same way she does- Barbara Backstabber, er, I mean boxer, Harry "the 600 year old man" Reid, John " ketchup boy" Kerry, Teddy "another scotch!" Kennedy, and Howard " I yell because momma never held me"Dean. Each of these liberal do-nothing fucks and their families need a giant chlorine tablet shoved up their ass and burned out of the gene pool. Their staggering concern for doing their job definitely demonstrates their desire to do what is right for the country. (I will decipher that last sentence for my liberal readers who may not have caught the vast amount of copious sarcasm-THEY ARE LAZY FUCKS WHO ONLY WORK ON ISSUES IF THEY FEEL THEY WANT TO AND GET ALOT OF MONEY FROM SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS FOR THE EFFORT) Pelosi had the nerve to say, and I quote" We in Congress have a responsibility to make this issue once again too hot for the Republicans to handle." Is that so? How about, 'I'm an elected official who hasn't contributed anything of signifigance the entire time I have been in office, and feel the democratic party IS the only party that matters even though we repel our own people in record numbers and can only get attention with shitty rhetoric and personal attacks against people who do what we do.' I think that is what she was saying. Of course we will see what happens in 06' and the way it is going I predict a few more democratic seats going away and being turned republican. The democrats offer nothing and expect everything. They are the welfare party and want one thing-to get what they want at the expense of others. Obviously any party will make mistakes, but to throw stones at others when they are just as, if not more, guilty of the same misconduct makes it even worse. They should be beaten with rock salt studded rubber hoses and urinated on by elephants with urinary tract infections while being ass-raped by syphilitic baboons that have severe genital warts. Fuck them and get them out of the gene pool.

This Ices The Last Posts Cake Posted by Hello

There Is A Special Place In Hell....

Since I last posted, a lot has happened. The Chief of police in D.C. had his car stolen from in front of his house, and the boy scout who wandered off 4 days ago was found. He was apparently playing "hide n' seek" with the rescue teams, as they had passed him at least twice while searching for him. Had I been one of the searchers I would have beat that kid autistic so he wouldn't do something like this ever again. His parents should be beating him relentlessly into little bits that resemble wet prunes. I was a scout, and land navigation was one of the BIG things they taught, in addition to STAY WITH THE GROUP and DON'T WANDER OFF. The kid must have learned something as he didn't end up in the river or as bear shit. While I am glad he was found unharmed and not in some kid touchers RV, I am pretty enraged that this kid shares the same air with me. I guess a good compromise would be to castrate him with a broken beer bottle so he can't spawn later in life. It's hard enough having a larger than normal population of idiots in the gene pool, we should be taking steps to curb the growth when we get opportunities like this. Maybe we can create a "gene pool lifeguard" position in the government, and when a stupid person gets seen they can remove them. We can include a tidbit about Dick "the turban" Durbin choking out a forced apology for his comparison of U.S troops to nazis/commies, it almost seemed sincere,he even got choked up a bit and had some crocodile tears. Probably because his nuts were being wheedled with a cheese grater. Let's hope his term ends for good in 06'. Then my favorite people in the world, CONGRESS, is trying to put an amendment through that would make burning the American flag a crime. Let's see.....I can't burn a crucifix, star of david, bible, koran, or similarly religious item because it's a hate crime, but I can burn the flag that represents the country that gives every shitbag causehead a place to call home? I can burn the flag that I signed over 10 years of my life for it's defense? Incredible. This should have been a no brainer and should not have been something to have a vote on. It should have been LAW from the inception of this country. People 50 years ago would have shot you on the spot had they caught you burning a flag. I will shoot you on the spot if I catch you doing it, make no mistake, and I am a very good shot. Anyone who burns the American flag is not an American and therefore not subject to enjoy the liberties and protections that come with the priviledge of being an American. I would rather let every child molester on the planet out of prison to make room for flag burners because they are below kid touchers. They are not even human beings. People in other countries who like to dance in the street while burning American flags should be bombed into sub-atomic particles. It should be an immediate thing too, the shitbag haji lights his bic, and as soon as it touches the flag-a delicious mushroom cloud of fire appears and is followed by tasty radioactive fallout. After one or two of those happen, haji's will be less likely to burn our flag without looking up and wondering what's coming. All you liberal fucks who claim it's freedom of speech/expression need to get the hell out of my country as I will pull your arm off and beat you to death with it and feed your body to wild pigs. Anyone is invited to debate me on this, please, send me your address, I will travel to you and you can tell me I am off base and/or wrong about this. I DARE YOU. Fuck all you flag burning liberal/haji inbred shitbags.
When you get to Hell, and are torn apart by rats and fish hooks everyday let me know how you like it, I'll be easy to find, I drive the bus there.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Because Everything Looks Bigger In The Hands Of A Child

Usually I try and keep my rage sources fresh and unique, but after reading a post from a buddys' site, I had to contribute my thoughts on the topic. Kid touchers, or as I like to call them degenerate filthy scumsucking shitbags, (and that is mildly put) are everywhere,and now it seems they have more rights than normal people. Chomos, (prison term for kid touchers) are complaining that when they get out of prison, they have a hard time dealing with people because invariably, people find out that they are in fact, chester molester, and proceed to harass, harangue, and harm them until they leave the area or lose their work release-parole mandated job. People, it seems, are not comfortable having a sexual predator in their area. I myself have had plenty of experience with these sick fucks, and they are creepy. They make your skin crawl just by they way they talk to you, how they act. One sicko, when asked by my partner why he did the things he did, told him "Everything looks bigger in the hands of a child." at which point my partner told me to stop the car so he could righteously beat the living shit out of the freaky bastard. Of course, we did the right thing and took him to the jail where he no doubt became some roughnecks girlfriend for his lengthy stay. I always love hearing about how Dalmer bought it, beaten to death,strangled, with a broken mop handle jammed up his ass. If it were up to me, and one day it may be so, I would take these fucks off the street and send them through some reparation treatment where they can enjoy the pain they wrought on their victims. In the inventory is an old planer, a hand drill with a 3/4 inch broken masonry bit, a Ronco Veg-a-matic, a garlic press, a rasp, and several feet of concertina wire. Of course, the first order of business would be castration, and that is what the veg-a-matic is for. For once, the people need to rise up in the face of all the shitbag prisoner rights groups and plant their feet firm and say "NO MORE!" Prisoners have no rights as we do. Basic human rights, barely. They get fed,clothed, and sheltered. In many cases they live better than most people. Time to stop this shit and start executing the worst fucks as we get them. Starting with the chomos. NAMBLA members should be rounded up and dissolved into a large vat of acid and poured into a volcano. Do yourself a favor, go to your local sex offender website and find out who they are in your area, and make their life a living hell so they will kill themselves. These fucks must die.

For The Ladies

Today, one of the world's females had a moment of clarity, and realized women are "trouble". Here is the full quote, courtesy of MSNBC: 'Don’t expect Shakira to become a spokeswoman for NOW. The half-Latin, half Arabic singer has some rather antediluvian views about gender. “Women are all the same. We’re just trouble,” she tells the July issue of Blender magazine. “I think it’s punishment from God to have put men and women on the same planet. Only for having stolen a simple apple, we received the punishment. Women are full of buttons, little buttons, millions of buttons. And men have just the on and off switch. Men need only food and you-know-what. We need so much more. We’re like what do you call them? Barrels without bottoms. There’s no way to satisfy women. Ever.” Amen. From barfing up perfectly good food, to buying oh- so- cute- but- never -comfortable- much- less- functional footwear in bulk, to obsessing about the size of your ass to the loaded questions you love asking even though you know the answer will never be right, I say AMEN to Shakira. Finally a woman has come out of the estrogen induced haze of insanity and seen the light, if only for a moment. I am sure she will succumb to the overwhelming flow of hormonal overload and become a veritable "bitch on wheels". Of course I know not all women fall into the insane bipolar OCD self-loathing catty bitch category, but majority rules and those in the minority are not only hard to find, they are even harder to get to come out of hiding as they fear being ostracized by their gender. I can't blame them. Well, yeah I can. So far, I have not yet found even one woman that has not freaked out over something stupid at least once. Anything from a sock that didn't make it into a hamper, to "they put pickles on my burger and it's all your fault" to being too early or too late or on time or for not having a mirror handy (because we all know guys love wearing makeup) to not talking enough. The list goes on endlessly, and my balls can't take listing everything I or another male has been blamed for or begrudged against by a female. Face it, women are crazy. The kicker is when they are pregnant, and they get 8, count em' 8 extra hormones wreaking havoc on their mind. Now they REALLY freak out over everything. They cry for no reason, obsess over the giant round belly protruding from under their swollen leaky boobs, and they lose all control over their body and to help cope, they attack/berate men. Usually the closest one they can find. Now I know I will end up with some hate mail for this, because it will be viewed as sexist or hateful or insensitive, but deep down- YOU KNOW I AM RIGHT! My vindication is the fact I will get hate mail, so if ya want to show your displeasure, don't write in. A wise man who had been married many years told me, "You can be right, or you can be happy, but not both." AMEN.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Why Yes I Do Have Spare Change. Thanks For Asking You Homeless Piece Of Shit.

The whole flight of fancy in the realm of conspiracy theory is all well and good as long as it stays in the realm of fiction. There is no conspiracy by the republican party to rule the world by eliminating any opposition in its path, nor do they intend to proclaim Bush the next emporer of the world. There is no secret moon base on the dark side of the moon where the government has all those missing persons working in a forced labor camp and breeding the next wave of genetically altered super storm troopers to take over the world. I can even tell ya that all those nifty little aliens zipping around are probably a result of some toothless hillbilly that drank too much antifreeze and was hallucinating his ass off. The black helicopters and black clad goons from the unknown government agency are not out to get you, in the sense that as long as you are not needing to be gotten, they will leave you alone. Usually they are from an "alphabet" agency and black is tactical and not easily confused with news helicoptors. There is no mass vote scheme to remove politicians from office if they don't toe the line, and the government can barely run itself much less keep tabs or an interest on what you decide to do in your daily life unless you call undue attention upon yourself by making other people aware of your activities. Basically, stop whatever illegal activity and/or hallucinogenic you are on and you won't have a problem. All these "homeless" veterans need to get off the fuckin roadways and get a job or kill themselves. I know firsthand that there are programs for veterans to help get them houses, jobs, rehab, etc. all on the governments dime. Of course, real veterans know that, and don't conduct themselves as such. The ones roaming the streets now got the uniform items at a yard sale/thrift store, and perpetrate a fraud on unsuspecting dummies for free money. Come to think about it, I think I deserve a little back from all you dummies out there who like throwing money at "causes" so go ahead and get your checkbooks out,and send me your money. I am a veteran, and if you have been reading this blog you know I need the help, so donate all you can, guilt free to me. Be sure to include your address so I can hunt you down and beat your head in with a meat tenderizer and make smoothies out of your body after I butcher it with a melon baller. At least you know that your contribution will somehow go toward the good of the world and help out a truly needy person. I will likely use the money for booze or porn, but will keep a portion aside for bail. Thank you for your support, and remember, it's tax deductible shithead!

Because I Don't Care- A Tirade of Epic Proportion

Why should I give a fuck about which "celebrity" married who, and why so-and-so is sooooo popular, or why I should vote a certain way because such-and-such "celebrity" told me to? Fact is, if a huge earthquake hit California and dropped that coastline into the Pacific effectively demolishiing the 3 left states and claiming the majority of so-called "celebrity" lives as well as every other nutjob there, I would dance naked in the street and throw a kegger of such magnitude it would set the bar for future generations. Why? because I don't care if these pin headed, self-absorbed, self-important, scatterbrained, liberal fucks get married, divorced, re-married, charged with a crime, acquitted of a crime, convicted of a crime, or otherwise exist. The only thing I care about regarding these ass clowns is that they breed and insert themselves into my life. Yes, they do. These idiots like to get on television and tell people that they should give money to some cause or charity that no one has heard of, or if they have heard of, it is such a shady deal that no one can account for what exactly the charity donates to much less what the cause is for. Tsunami relief, big fuckin deal. Those people in indonesia didn't want us there, they only wanted money. When relief workers showed up, they all but hacked them to death with machetes because they were american. Fuck that. Africa- again, a huge toilet we keep flushing money into and to no avail. They are still poor, still disease ridden, and still just a huge problem. Time for natural selection to take effect and wipe the people who don't want to exist anymore through their own destruction and take them into the great beyond and out of the picture. Next election should be great, I will probably have the displeasure of watching Martin Sheen impart his dizzying intellect upon the hoards of ignorant voters in the country on why the democratic party is the party of the people, and by people I mean leftist hippie assholes who stifle the country with stupid litigation, and by party I mean criminal organization. No doubt Alec Baldwin will join in the fracas, calling for unity against the inhuman and cruel republican overlords. I am sure Tim Robbins and George Clooney will sound off with the ever popular "Death to America! Death to the Great Satan!" chants before we get to cast our meager and only vote. With any luck, an asteroid the size of a tractor trailer will hit the San Andreas fault sometime this year and eliminate the source of grief for the betterment of our country. Sadly, democrats will lose that great bastion of liberalism and 49 electoral votes all in one shot, but again, who cares? The next celebrity wedding will no doubt be all over the news and I don't care. They are no more special than anyone else. Who gives a fuck if some anorexic pill popping whore breaks a nail or wears the wrong colored blouse to a grocery store? I don't. The people who bring this shit to our televisions and to our press need to get a life and a real job. Reality TV and the trash in print are killing our way of life, not enhancing it. This is just a topic I cannot express enough rage about. I would love to wake up one day and hear that a stampede of rabid gazelles burst into the academy awards and trampled/impaled every last one of these stupid fucks including, but not limited to, actors, musicians, critics, "paparazzi", and fans alike. Let's go ahead and address the king of the freaks, Michael "kid toucher" Jackson. Now that he has left the country,after having bought the better lawyer in his current legal ordeal, and after been chided by said council to stop sleeping with little boys, he still hits the media in a way that you would think Jesus himself had arrived and started chatting. Mikey is definitely the worst of the worst when it comes to California and "celebrity" because even though hundreds of people from around the world showed up on their dime to support him, he didn't so much as say thank you or even meet with these assholes when it was all over. Serves them right for being stupid, but next time he gets caught with his hand in some kids cookie jar there won't be any support for him. Hopefully he gets buried alive in an avalanche and when some explorer finds his frozen corpse 1000 years from now they assume he was there in exile from society and not the standard person of our time. With any luck the globe will heat up and all the plastic in his face will melt and make him look scarier than he already does. In a perfect world, entertainers wouldn't get preferential treatment. Russel Crowe will probably walk free without any charges as he will no doubt buy his freedom by settling with the schmuck he clobbered with a phone. Then there is the whole talk show bullshit. Oprah, Ricki, Montel, Maury,et al. They get their guests from a top secret trailer park that inbreeds non stop and supplies the shows with an endless supply of freakish people for viewer entertainment. The thing is, normal people will not go on TV and proclaim that their baby's daddy is one of 8 guys, have them tested,accuse the most likely candidate only to reveal it isn't him at all but a transexual prostitute named "Chloe" with webbed feet, a lazy eye, and an eating disorder. Normal people would keep that to themselves. Why would anyone go on a show and tell the world that they slept with their mom and now she is pregnant with his brother but dad doesn't know because he is in a coma and grandma is mad that he cheated on her with her daughter in law? I can't stand it. This is why i stopped watching television. I think the more TV you watch, the dumber you get. This is why we will be speaking chinese before I turn 65. In conclusion, hollywood is full of liberal, whiny, self-absorbed, fuckheads and I hate them all. So God DAMN MUCH. When I am driving the bus to hell, I will make sure all the shitheads from hollywood are wearing their gasoline soaked thong underwear before they get on the bus. They will have to sit behind the al qaida fucks they support too so they can smell what a stinky baby killing haji smells like the whole ride down in the bus with no a/c and no windows and the heater on. Fuck them. Fuck them up their stupid asses.

Where Is My Handout?

I read today that the bank Wachovia issued an apology to african americans for buying 2 banks back in the day that exploited slaves. Now that's all well and good, especially if they knew about it. The kicker is, now there is talk of certain said offended group seeking reparations. What the fuck for? None of these people were slaves. Matter of fact, the last "slave"died almost 30 years ago in 79'. So unless he or any other slaves came back to life, no one should be getting reparations for being slaves as they weren't slaves to begin with, just regular americans like everyone else born here. While we are in this vein, American indians. Boo fuckin Hoo. Whitey stole our land and made us live on reservations where we have nothing but billion dollar a year revenues from our casinos and among the most powerful lobbying groups in the country. Yeah they are really hurtin'. How about all those poor mexicans we stole California, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado from? I figure since most of those states offer bilingual everything and the mexicans keep pouring across the border like it isnt there we are even right? NO. Fact is they want (as well as the fucking ACLU) the illegal aliens to be referred to as undocumented. (see earlier rant) How's this for equality- my "people" were slaughtered and attacked by the nazis in WWII and oppressed as well so I feel Germany should pay me for the suffering my ancestors endured. While I realize I didn't undergo the horrors of a deathcamp directly, the fact that my "peeps" did makes me sad and I want cash NOW as cash is the only thing that will heal me. And name a few streets after them. And a stadium. And a holiday. Seems to me, the only people who aren't entitled to anything much less able to be victims of racism/hate, are white people. If a white person uses a slur, no matter the context, he/she is labeled a bigot and ostracized or sued for offending someone. If any other "race" uses a slur, it is a cultural term used to describe ones heritage/history/feelings. Fuck that. There is only one race of people- HUMAN. The variations are from environmental factors you inherited from your ancestors. I can cut open any human, and they are all packaged the same inside, so guess what, no one is special. This is yet another reason I hate people. All people-big, small, thin, fat, black, white, asian, micronesian, hispanic, you name it. No preferential treatment, I even hate myself. So for all you whiny bastards out there trying to make money from other peoples misery who are no longer alive, stick your heads in a bucket of shit and sing zippity doo-dah you stupid fucks and while you are at it, get a goddamn job and stop living off of my taxes you lazy bitches. On a side note, Disney should really release the animated feature "song of the south" as it is a well made cartoon. Fuck those idiots who say otherwise as it is after all, just an artistic rendition of the life and times of that period in history, so blow it out your ass you P.C. liberal scumbag.

Friday, June 17, 2005

People Eating Tasty Animals????

Two schmucks from PETA were arrested for, get this, ANIMAL CRUELTY today in North Cackalacka. Now I don't believe that for one second. PETA is a caring organization dedicated to the promotion of animal rights and equality with people, why on earth would anyone charge them of a heinous crime of harming a cute and fuzzy animal friend? Give me a fucking break. PETA is actually an organization of hippie tree hugger(strike that,greenpeace hugs trees) animal rights activists bent on world domination by subjecting everyone on the planet to the rule of creatures that don't have opposable thumbs, oral/written communication skills, and the ability to wipe their own ass. PETA is exactly the kind of organization that promotes ultra liberal shenanigans like giving rabbits lawyers and chimpanzees the right to vote. They don't think we should test pharmaceuticals, chemicals, medical procedures, or other testing on the cute and cuddly creatures nor do they want us to use modern farming procedures on them. I guess what they want, what they would be happy with, is either we conduct the tests on PETA members or wave after wave of diseases and famine to erupt in our country. Let's look at an example, shall we? INDIA- millions and millions of disease ridden starving masses that aren't allowed to eat beef and there are ALOT of cows in India, (yes I know it's because Hindu's don't eat beef, but they aren't all hindu's, retard) secondly, testing on people has been done, successfully I might add, but the public outcry as a result turned any hope of that into a huge ordeal companies are not willing to endure. (boohoo, they gave me BZ and I started hallucinating) In short, animals are plentiful, they don't require pay nor do they need workers compensation, and the tests are for THE GREATER GOOD OF MANKIND, so stop your whiny drivel you fucks and fix me some milk fed veal. Not that free range shit either. I want a baby cow that was massaged daily in its box and fed nothing but high grade whole milk before getting clubbed in the head before its first birthday. MMM, MMM, GOOD! So Fuck PETA and I hope they convict these idiots and send them to the fuckin chair so we can have extra crispy PETA kabobs for dinner.

Curse, Cry, Smash With Hammer. Repeat.

If it wasn't bad enough for Big Dick Durbin to insult everyone in the military, he decided it was best to stick to his guns, refuse an apology, and then restate the insult but with more emphasis. Here is how I would envision a town hall meeting with Durbin.
Durbin: How would you americans like to be treated the way I described these poor, misguided, sheep herders from a poor third-world country wrongfully imprisoned without representation and subjected to horrible dirty torture by the jackboot wearing nazi thugs in our military?
ME: How would you like to suck my balls?
DURBIN: What did you just say?
ME: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. What I meant to say was (through bullhorn now) HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO SUCK MY BALLS, MR. DURBIN?
DURBIN: You little son-of-a AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGHH!!!!!!!
ME: *viciously biting Durbin in the face while attacking his groin with a potato peeler*
Anyway, that's how I imagine it would go. On the positive side, he has come under fire from pretty much everyone except for Sen. Reid who is the real life incarnation of the sith lord Darth Sidious aka The Emporer from Star Wars. Reid is also 603 years old and should be turned into jerky strips and sold at a mobile taco cart in Tijuana for the attendees of donkey shows. Fuck these assholes.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Why is Dick Durbin Stealing My Oxygen?

Dick Durbin, the senator from Illinois and so-called representative of the people, has decided that the members of the U.S. Military are nazis, communist thugs, or khmer rouge guerrillas. FUCK YOU DURBIN! I for one am none of those, and I have FOUR honorable discharges to back up my claim. Workin on number five as I type. Durbin is exactly the reason that the majority of state representatives need to be fired outright and replaced with people who actually care about the country. This type of trash only serves one purpose- it encourages our enemies and erodes our forces morale. There is nothing more devastating to the morale of a deployed soldier than to hear that his/her leaders and fellow countrymen do not support what they are doing. There is also nothing better for a shitbag terrorist to hear that what he is doing is causing the erosion of support for his opposition. Durbin should resign, leave the country and move in with bin laden in his little rat infested, goat dung filled cave. Then he can spew all the anti-american shit he wants out of his filthy suckhole and the special forces can guide a daisy cutter into his ass to shut him the fuck up. Don't think I have overlooked that other shitbag Joe Biden-who, for reasons unknown to all but his dark overlord Satan, still draws air despite him being a living fossil. Biden is also one of those left-wing cock suckers who believes in destroying America from within by rotting support away from those who defend it. Coupled with the ultra-liberal, granola suckin, bleeding heart, uber-sensitive organization Amnesty International they are a team made in HELL. Amnesty International would love to make people think that we are torturing people as a matter of policy. There are prison guards in the USA right now that get "heavy handed" with prisoners and no one complains to them about it. Why? Because they are dealt with by the appropriate agency and disciplined. The same thing happens in the military when some retard fucks up and does something wrong. They get disciplined. So stop all your idiotic liberal drivel and get with the program. These animals are only waiting to get released so they can kill more Americans. The ones who have been released already have come back trying to harm us. They are being treated better than the hostages in Iraq will ever be treated. These fuckheads know we won't behead them or shoot them in the face. Fuck Joe Biden, Dick Durbin, Amnesty International, and any other liberal-hippie fuckwit who doesn't support the troops AND our country.

Did I Miss The Memo Or Does Crime Now Pay?

Freakshow E.T. lookalike runaway bride Jennifer Wilbanks(click title for hideous pic of her) has been offered a movie deal about her touching story from Regan Media. I am going to vomit in protest if they actually make a movie about this. The simple fact is this, she got the jitters, went to get some pre-marital cock from another guy, faked her own abduction so as not to get in trouble, fucked that up, and put the whole country through a slimy, sleazy, shit filled "mystery" where she put any and all blame as far from herself as she possibly could. I think if she were my fiance' I would have only gone to the effort of making sure she was alive so I wouldn't end up in prison. She should be drawn and quartered by retards with sporks and get a white phosphorus enema at the same time. The people offering her money should likewise be sterilized with salad shooters and thrown into wood chippers. Unbelievable. Last I checked, profiting from the commission of a felony was illegal in and of itself. This is why Chuck Manson has not seen dime one from all the specials and books about his sick ass. The potential loophole is they are paying the husband for the story and she gets rich as a result, however, most states recognize married couples as "one" entity, and therefore what happens to the husband happens to the wife, and vice versa. Therefore, I can't imagine him being able to gain from her crime. The word 'WHORE' springs to mind when I think of this dumb bitch. She should have been beaten unmercifully with nail and broken glass studded rubber hoses and doused with hydrochloric acid. Might have improved her looks a bit and definitely would have made up for the tens of thousands of tax dollars she wasted as well as made everyone in the counrty feel better. Notwithstanding, it would have deterred other like-minded social retards think twice before they decide they need more attention. This type of thing is getting old, she is the third bimbo to do this shit. Now I hope that the chick in aruba is a legitimate case of criminal activity, not because I want harm to come to anyone, (unless they deserve it) but because if she is playing hide and seek with authorities then I hope they lock her in the darkest dirtiest hole on the planet and feed her cow shit for the rest of her life. Otherwise, tragic story. Well for once the ACLU didn't fuel my rage-monkeys (fuck them anyway) but the day is young. Fuck jennifer wilbanks, her dumb-ass husband, (who better be getting alot of dirty, dirty sex for taking her back) and the media for sensationalizing stupidity and compensating criminals. Fuck you everybody, goodnight!

A Thought Part II

I know, I know. I said I wouldn't but I have to. Terry Schiavo's parents were on the news saying the autopsy was wrong. Yep. I guess what they are saying is that the examiner who said that terry's brain was half the weight it used to be is wrong because she was only born with half a brain. Therefore he is wrong. Oh yeah, and Elvis didn't die on the toilet, he runs a go-go club on the jersey shore. Get over it people, I know I am sick of hearing about this. With any luck, a giant ball of frozen airplane sewage will hit the parents house and flatten them both and we can dispute the autopsy for them for shits and giggles. Fuck them.(again)

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

A Thought..........

The medical examiner who autopsied (at great length and taxpayer expense) Terri Schiavo released his findings today which not only exonerated the husband on all of the shitty accusations his in-laws made, but totally supported EVERYTHING that the doctors had been saying all along-SHE WAS A VEGETABLE. So as not to re-traumatize everyone else with this insane bullshit freakshow, I offer my last utterance on this: I TOLD YOU SO. In short, (for once) FUCK The in-laws, the media, legislators who stuck their nose in where it didn't belong, and all you psycho fanatical protesting nutjobs who got involved in this and forced regular americans to sit through some poor bastards dirty laundry when we could have been solving real problems. Like how to move you fucks out of the country.

Love it Posted by Hello

This About Says It all Posted by Hello

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Just a thought

The next time you or someone you know is about to do something really dumb, take a deep breath, pull your head out of your ass, and re-think the idea. Chances are it will keep you from pissing someone (read that: ME) off. It's probably a good thing I usually travel unarmed, though from time to time I am known to bring one of the "kids" with me and it wouldn't be a far stretch for me to cross the boundary between giving you the finger or putting a .45 caliber hollowpoint into your face. All the same to me. Of course, the tomahawk I keep in the trunk (yes I said tomahawk) works nicely as a "auto body redecoration tool" and can provide you with an extra breathing hole if you want to pursue a conversation on why your non-driving stupid-ass got flipped off by yours truly. So please, stop breeding with members of your own family and keep your filthy sewer shut and no one will get hurt.

The Streets Will Flow With The Blood of The Non Believers

WHO THE HELL TALKS LIKE THAT ANYMORE? People stuck in 4 b.c. in the middle east,that's who. These assholes are chatting about their sword unsheathed and hungry for blood and people (by people I mean pussy suckheads who like to hug trees and save suicidal whales) listen to them. Not only that, but they are afraid of them. HELLO-we have THE bomb. Go ahead, say how evil and naughty it is that I even mention nuclear weapons. All done? GOOD, now shut up and listen. THE reason no one fucks with the USA in a direct conventional, and traditional way is WE are the ONLY nation that has used a nuke in combat. TWICE. The world has long since sucked up to us. It is time to bring the modern age to the middle east. Iran wants a nuke, no problem. Have one compliments of the USA. Where should we put it? Tehran looks like a nice place to put one. Let's not leave Syria out of the picture, we don't want to give our friends in the middle east any reason to envy their neighbors, so it's nukes all around! Yes let's go ahead and nuke the bejeezus out of the middle east and sell the green glass parking lot to Mr. Trump. Who knows, the radioactive oil will probably boost the mileage in our cars. That, and it will bring us into compliance with the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty as we will have effectively diminished our nuclear stockpile. It's a win-win situation. We get rid of some serious whackjobs who talk like they came out of a bad Sinbad movie, oil prices will be very low, anyone who was thinking about pulling a fast one on the ol' USA will immediately back off, and we will have a long period of peace in the middle east. Now if any hippie,tree-huggin', granola suckin', left-wing, animal-rights, liberal, shit bag wants to dissent from my point of view, feel free as it's still a free country and you have that right. For now. If the liberals get their way, and they will push for it until they do, then we will have nothing but terrorists running around doing whatever they want with lawyers provided by the ACLU. Oh wait, we already have that, we call them PETA, ELF, ALF, GREENPEACE, and PFAW. I would like to see any of these assholes on a real frontline doing real "good for the world" stuff. Any idiot can firebomb a SUV or put nails into trees to injure a lumberjack. Any moron can row a boat in front of a fishing trawler or chain themselves to the door of a research lab. Can any of them pick up a 70 pound pack and a rifle, then go to another country and defend a population of total strangers for the sake of a greater good? NO. These people are no better than the shitbag "insurgents" (and let's call the spade a spade, they are TERRORISTS) who talk like they woke up in the middle ages. I agree we should do more good in the world. Let's start in our own backyard and clean out all the fanatical groups who are running amok in our country. Then if the mood fancies us, we can go squash some despotic dictator or a terrorist group operating someplace else. While we are at it, we should adopt a better policy on throwing money away into toilet countries. Africa already gets an enormous amount of cash from us, and yet we are now being pressured into giving them even more?!?!?! What about the billions we already gave them? If they couldn't get their shit together after the first several billion I say shut off the tap and let em' all rot. If anyone in the country kept getting money from their uncle and squandering it, they would get cut off. Why should we as a nation continue to bend to the will of liberals and other toilet countries that say how bad we are but still want our money and products. Fuck them. Fuck terrorists, liberals (don't confuse with democrats as I know democrats that aren't liberal), tree huggers, the ACLU (again), PETA, ELF, GREENPEACE, THE MIDDLE EAST, and people who aren't willing to actually fight for our country. Fuck them most of all. I rambled a bit today, if you don't like it,then stick your head in a bucket of shit. Otherwise, hope you were able to follow along.

Monday, June 13, 2005

The Anger Sharks are swimming through my mind...

I decided it would be a great idea to protest the ACLU, all are invited. I am going to be the one with the placard depicting the Constitution on fire in front of the building. After that, I will be moving down to the NAACP, and then after that I will move on down to the next non-american, commie, leftist, poor-us, special needs, organized whiner, political activist group I can find and protest them. Why? Because I can. Because I am guaranteed my right to protest and I want to see how these fuckheads like it when someone uses their tactics against them. I figure if anything it will be a sweet deal having the ACLU fighting for the guy who protested them when I get carted off to the clink. These groups rant and rave about how they are fighting for "the people" but all they do is alienate everyone from each other by categorizing people into groups. I can't get money for school from the NAACP because I am not black. Likewise, I can't get money from latino groups, asian groups, pacific islander groups, native american groups or any other groups because I am white. Apparently I was born a super weathly racist who needs no special treatment, no help from the government, and no group to rally for my rights. I guess all I have is the Ku Klux Klan. I can't even get into that group (not that I want to) because I don't share their "religious" views, and I have a lineage that is frowned upon by them. Basically I have to do it on my own. Maybe I will start my own whiner group in the future, right now I just plan to protest everyone else's. Now the freaks and weirdos' in California want ILLEGAL aliens to be officially referred to as undocumented aliens. ILLEGAL aliens are people who are in the country ILLEGALLY, undocumented means they don't have paperwork. I have dealt with ILLEGAL aliens quite a bit. I figure ILLEGAL aliens would prefer the term that accurately descibes them, and doesn't degrade them. Like WETBACK. That would be derogatory. ILLEGAL is the term that fits because they are in violation of the law(s). If we go the route of calling ILLEGAL aliens undocumented as policy,then that takes the bite out of enforcing the laws in place as they are there to combat the flow of ILLEGAL aliens, not the undocumented ones. undocumented means "i left my paperwork at home" not "I am breaking the law." Fuck California, the ACLU(again), and every political group that segregates people under the color of protecting peoples rights because you are the source of all our problems, not the solution. While I am at it, the next time a muslim, hindu, shintoist, buddhist,jew, protestant, catholic, atheist, or any unmentioned but still included religious/non-religious person( not necessarily a practitioner, just a loudmouth) bitches about how poorly they are treated in this country, I will personally come to your home, pack your bags and send you to afghanistan, cuba, or north korea for a fun and exciting tour on what oppression really is you bastards. Shut your mouth and stop whining. Just because you don't like the word "god" doesn't mean you have to ruin it for the ones who do. Just because you aren't a christian doesnt make you bad or any less of a person. Jews, Muslims, pagans, atheists, buddhists all die the same way, none are above the finite limits of this world. Each dies the same. All I would like to see(and I am not alone) is everyone practicing their beliefs in peace and accepting the fact that not everyone thinks the way they do and have that be "OK". If you can't handle the fact that the pledge of allegiance has the word "god" in it, leave the country. If you don't like the fact that the court system asks you to swear on a bible/to god, STOP BREAKING THE LAW, and/or leave the country. If you don't like seeing a monument/tomb/other marker that depicts a cross or the ten commandments, then don't visit those places and/or leave the country. It's so simple. Its not like the government is putting it in your yard or carving it on your forehead so go to your shrine, temple, mosque, altar, church, or sacred place and thank who/whatever power you want that you live in a country that allows you to practice what you want and stop bothering other people with your beliefs because your beliefs do not have to be their beliefs. I don't care if you are a former rastafari born again jewish convert that practises santeria, I don't want to hear how you and the 6 other people who fit into your category are oppressed. You just aren't. While I am at it, fuck scientology. What a crock of shit. All this is is a tax shelter for rich assholes who like to talk down to people. Tom Cruise and the other shit heads in hollywood like to tell us how to live when these people can't even stay sober or married. The next time one of them gets caught getting a blowjob from a transexual hooker they should be dipped in tar and set on fire before they tell us who to vote for or what we should do with our money. So to sum up, Fuck Activist organizations, the ACLU, religious zealots, anti religious zealots, tom cruise, ILLEGAL aliens, and whiny people who feel their needs are above everyone else's needs.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

What's the opposite of progress?

CONGRESS. At least in this day and age. These assholes are wreaking havoc on the sacred institution the founding fathers put in place when the country was born. These cheap, lazy, money-grubbing, self-centered, self-serving, slugs have taken to a form of government that on its face could not even begin to resemble the government we had 100 years ago. 100 years ago, if someone gave an elected official money to vote "their" way, they would have been charged with bribing a government official. Those laws are still on the books, except now these shitbag fatcats have turned bribery into "campaign donations". Donate to my campaign fund, and I will make sure your issues are taken care of. Don't,and I will see what I can do.(translates into your issue is put into the circular file) I am told "that's just how it works". BULLSHIT. That may be how it works now, but it is not what it is supposed to be. Special interest groups/PAC's are running the show. They throw a ton of cash toward officials who toe the line with their views, and throw money at discrediting/destroying those who don't. I am all for our elected officials doing their job, but they need to be doing their job without conditions, after all that is why they sought higher office, right? Too bad we can't bring the first 5 presidents to our time. I think they would probably be disgusted that a pure idea had been corrupted by these charlatans disguised as well meaning representatives of the people. I think there should be a renaissance of our government, where we get back to the real meaning of democracy,and the true intent of the constitution. Fuck congress.

Friday, June 03, 2005

F- Paid Professional athletes

i'll try and keep this short- Paid Professional athletes are the whiniest, bitchiest, most self-absorbed, pathetic people in this country. They make millions upon millions of dollars a year, yet it's for a game. Then these assholes complain, saying they need more money or they will go on strike. I say let em'. Fuck em. For $30k, I can get a high school/college kid to play the same sport just as well and save a ton of money, not to mention overhead costs for outrageous player salaries. These guys are not so specialized that they cannot be replaced. They are replaced every year. People should stop buying tickets, some for thousands of dollars, and shut these fuckers down. I know alot of people enjoy watching sports, try watching a real sport then and not some business institution full of whiners. Really, a millionaire drops a ball. How special. it looks the same when a little leaguer does it, and he plays for fun and maybe gets a pizza party at the end of the season. It's time MLB,NBA,PGA,NFL, and all the other alphabet leagues pull their heads out of each others asses and start revitalizing the sport side of the house and not the profit side. I like money as much as the next guy, but these people are ridiculous. I want a gajillion dollars or I'm not playing. screw that. I won a trophy so I want more money. These people only "work" a few months a year. They are handed all kinds of deals and contracts. Millions on top of millions. I was told by a friend that they deserve it because the sports are so tough on the body that they are essentially crippled when they retire after 5-7 years of play. I disagree. After 5-7 years of play, they are financially set and just don't have to work anymore. They receive better medical care and physical training than the military. Whiners. I have no sympathy for a paid professional athlete that sits out for a minor injury. I dont care if his/her arm fell off,they make 26 million dollars they better be on the field playing. usually it's something trivial. A strained pinky finger. A chipped nail. A grain of sand in the vagina. These schmucks are ripping off the country. Fire them and give a talented athlete who gives a shit about teamwork and the game itself a chance. This of course excludes Olympic athletes who are not allowed to profit for play, thought they get some good deals after they win. It also excludes the handful of good athletes who are active in their communities and donate vast amounts of their exaggerated income to charities/good causes(not politicians) and they are few and far between. Otherwise, I hope their knee caps and thumbs fall off during pre-season practices.

We are not amused

In my opinion, the youth of America should all be shaken like an unwanted kid until they get a clue about what exactly goes on in the world. By youth I mean anyone under the age of 25. These people typically are self-centered, selfish, spoiled, whiny, little bitches that don't contribute anything to the common good,this country, or mankind. I cannot believe that there are people out there that are so lazy that they expect society to give them whatever they want. Why should I give my money,in the form of tax dollars, to some shitbag that is capable of working but won't get of his/her ass to get a job? Why do I need to support some crackwhores kid(s) when she should have been in prison to begin with? Stick her ass in a salt mine and make her earn a paycheck. These bastards are all over, they feel that since they exist,they are entitled to the goods in life. I can't stand them. Recently I met a few outstanding examples. One of the Beavis's I met dresses like a whore, does drugs, talks incessantly on her cell phone and thinks she is the best thing since sliced bread. She lives the high life sponging off her family and they tolerate it, even allow it to a large extent. I think that if you are going to live like that,at least do it with your own money,and do it responsibly in the privacy of your own house so I don't come into contact with you. These are the types of people that keep Oprah,Springer,Montel, and Maury in business. Continuing, another beavis had the nerve to tell me that while he appreciated my sacrifice for serving in the army, he would leave the country before he would sign up. Great. He is an example of the boneheads running amok. He is in the same group of people that vowed to leave the country if Bush got re-elected. Well i will help you pack,and i will help you move. GET THE HELL OUT OF MY COUNTRY ASSHOLES! I am not alone in this either as I have several friends who will help. For an extra $100, we will do it in uniform! Most of us are no longer in the military so we are able to provide this special service for you. Of course, I haven't seen or heard of a mass exodus into Canada yet,so I believe most of that movement was just the same bullshit democrats have been peddling for years. Great idea,no follow through. Kinda like non-alcoholic beer. Don't get me wrong, I am not so pegged into the republicans either, they make mistakes also. I would vote for a worthy democrat,however, the pickins are slim and not appealing at all. If Hillary runs in '08 I am going to start building a bomb shelter as we will get royally screwed if she wins and the shithead hajis will be bombing the hell out of us in our own country. If you have only ever seen a carbomb go off on TV and not in person then consider yourself lucky. If she wins you will probably have a chance to see it firsthand when she invites bin laden to the white house to patch things up for peace. That will be a day to remember. Don't even think of trying to seek shelter in my bunker either, I will be locking it from the inside and boobytrapping everything,and I am a very good shot. Unfortunately, the disillusioned youth will vote for her because they think she is "cool". Well,that's partially true,considering she has a heart of pure black ice. Parents everywhere, take the time to explain to your kid(s) the realities of the world,that people don't care about what they want and won't give them anything they want "just because" and that they will be expected to work and carry their own weight in the workplace and if your kid doesn't seem to catch on, shake him/her like pitbull would a kitten and leave them in the woods for the wolves. I realize that's kind of an extreme thing, but in the grand scheme it's for the best. Natural selection is still a viable option. If you disagree,fine,it's a free country for the next couple years at least, just keep your rotten,worthless,bratty, bastard kids away from me and I promise not to unleash my rage upon them when they ask me "How come I have to do that when so-and-so doesn't?" The answer is easy---BECAUSE I FUCKING SAID SO YOU SLACK JAWED RETARD! Enjoy your day people, I feel better already.

I'd rather have a bottle in front of me......

than a frontal lobotomy. Funny how things can make one snap and go careening off the edge of sanity. Take traffic for example. I don't care where you live, if it's a metropolitan area,you know bad traffic. DC has among the worst traffic in the country,and I have driven in the so-called "worst" spots in the nation. DC still makes them look like EZ expressways. On my way in today, it wasn't too bad considering it is raining. When it rains here the people freak out and drive 30MPH under the limit which makes for a slow drive. This coupled with the idiot bimbo who is putting on makeup,chatting on her cell,and drinking her starbucks while driving all at the same time and you have a disaster in the making. Everyone has been behind this person at one point or another. Usually you try and get as far from her as you can but in DC they are EVERYWHERE. My favorite kind of driver is the ultra aggressive guy who just swerves blindly into your lane because he feels you will back off and let him in. Of course when he inserts himself into the lane he has to jam on his brakes because he cant go anywhere any faster than if he had stayed in his lane. I love them. The rush of rage I get from idiot drivers is pretty phenomenal. I imagine it's better than crack. It's like snapping your fingers and becoming a raving maniac. My girlfriend experiences these episodes when we go out and she will be on her phone telling the person on the other end "he's not yelling at me,it's some stupid driver ahead of him". If it were legal to shoot people on the road I would. The amount of rampant stupidity on the highways is staggering. It's hard to believe that most of these people were able to meet and pass astandardized test and licensing procedures to even be able to operate a vehicle, let alone survive on their own. This post isn't as angry as I wanted,but i haven't been on the road for a few hours,and I am a little under the weather. If for some reason you are the type who "multitasks" when you drive, I hope you end up pinned between a bridge abuttment and a tractor trailer carrying toxic waste and get broiled in a twisted ball of burning metal and noxious fumes so first responders can't save your worthless sorry ass. More as it happens....

Thursday, June 02, 2005

WTF, over.

I hate stupid people. Not the usual everyone-does-something-stupid-every-now-and-then stupid, but the REAL stupid people. Everyone knows at least one. If you think you don't, then consider Britney Spears. I think she is perhaps the queen of the stupids. She of course is super rich and when she isn't stuffing twinkies into her piehole and suckin down menthols, she used to be nice to look at, but it stops when she opens her trap to speak. She recently was quoted as saying "sex is crazy good." Of course, when she said that she did not have the piece of hay hanging from her mouth, but she did look like the typical trailer trash that one would expect to speak like that, and I can only assume the 8 extra hormones coursing through her body had some influence. Nevermind that shit, I can't even buy that. I think she shouldn't have been allowed to breed,especially with her current leech of a sperm donor. He is equally, if not more, stupid as she is. Basically, what had me boiling about this topic, which IS stupid people, is I got to see a snippet of her show,and heard her speak. THEN, that was followed by Jessica Simpson talking,THEN some clip of the American Idol crap. ALL of that in a rapid succession made me want to vomit,and I felt as if I lost IQ just seeing/hearing it. Sure they are entertainers and serve their purpose. Sure it isn't rocket science. Sure people in general like to watch them. The thing is, and I am quoting a friend here, "you need a license to cut hair, but you don't need one to breed." Therein lies the source of my anger. Stupid people should be left in the woods for the wolves once a pattern has been established. The Romans did it. They were very successful in keeping society full of the best the gene pool had to offer. Of course, they didn't have the fucking ACLU running around causing problems. Here is an example of real just copy the link and find the "scolari stories". You will laugh. You will cry. You will wonder how he survived. You will be disgusted that he was able to get into the military. My buddy runs that site,so don't blame me for broken links or any issue you may have. If you feel like blaming me, fine, but don't be surprised when I bite you in the face, stupid.

F- the ACLU

Why is it that an organization founded on the defense of individual rights/civil liberties can segregate a significant portion of the society and viciously pursue the doom of that group(s) liberties and freedoms? These people are insane. i would love to know the reason a hispanic student can paint the virgin mary on a public school wall and it is ok, but a white student paints a stairway to heaven in the same school,and is forced to change it?!?!? The acronym WTF comes to mind. The term reverse discrimination also. The government should sack up and remove these ideological psychopaths from the country. Now it seems they are targeting a cross memorial for WWI soldiers in NM because it is now on public land, it was there before it was public land. If they win that I have no doubt they will scub every crucifix via bulldozer from Arlington National Cemetary. (they will of course leave every crescent and star of david as muslims and jews are the oppressed people of America) I am not religious, but I am a patriot and have done my time serving this country at home and abroad. I believe in the Constitution and what is in it, as it is THE law of the land in the truest sense. I do not believe in following an opinion written in the form of a letter by Thomas Jefferson as serving as an amendment or otherwise higher law. The ACLU is nothing more than an organization bent on destroying the fabric of this country by bullying and badgering its way to victory. They should all be deported to a country with less freedoms/rights so they can see exactly what it is they are doing and will get if they continue. Perhaps North Korea can use an ACLU chapter. People in this country need to start standing up for not only themselves but for other people or we ALL will end up in the toilet. Freedom is taken for granted by most of us in this country because we do NOT know what oppression is. There is an overwhelming majority of people walking around that have no idea what a great and precious thing we have because they haven't been stuffed into a little metal box for speaking their mind or had their camera smashed and arrested for taking an unauthorized picture. Visit another country that doesn't enjoy our freedoms and try telling a cop to "fuck off". If you survive the beating you will likely get, enjoy your lengthy prison stay. In this country,people do all kinds of things to cops and think they have a right to, yet don't understand that because they can tell a cop off here,it does not entitle them to do it anywhere else. On that note,if you refuse to obey a cop, even if he/she is wrong, it IS ILLEGAL FOR YOU TO REFUSE TO COMPLY! So when you get tasered or punched or shot, it's YOUR fault, stop bitching. We do not get it perfect all the time,mistakes are made,but it is because we are human. On that same token,because we are human we learn from those mistakes. (except stupid people,and they are everywhere)